Progress report WG F Maria Brättemark, WFD Team, DG ENV.D.2, European Commission
Key activities Next meeting WG F 20.5.2009, discussions on : Flood reporting Climate change guidance CIS Workprogramme 2010-2012 Coordination of Thematic Workshops Transposition checklist Drafting groups on Climate change and floods Draft outline to WG F and SSG CC&Water for comments Drafting group meeting early June (?) Drafting group on reporting Concept paper, Reporting Sheets CA-UoM – on CIRCA for WG F comments Presentation of progress at WG F on Reporting sheets for PFRA, Maps and Plans Drafting groups to meet 19/5 and 25/6 (linked to WISE Steering group)
Upcoming Thematic workshops Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment, 25-26.5.2009, Brno Climate change and floods, 8-10.9.2009 Flood Risk Management Plans, January 2010, NL Catchment Approach, 2009, Scotland (tbc). Flash floods and Mediterranean storms), Italy (tbc),