Follow the steps below: Follow the steps on the slides to complete your own PowerPoint presentation about your Spanish song. Use this presentation. After reading, delete my directions and type in your answers from the information you’ve gathered about your song these last few weeks. Make sure both partners are doing the same amount of work. When finished please email this presentation to me
El titulo de la cancion “El titulo es ______” Por: _____________ (el cantante) this word is on the back of your vocab list if you don’t remember
El genero es ___________________ El genero es ___________________. (salsa, bachata, flamenco, mariachi, pop, reggaetón)
Es de___________________. (name of country)
Los instrumentos son…. (in Spanish please)
(Your opinión)______________ porque es __________________________ (Your opinión)______________ porque es __________________________. **Each partner includes their own opinion on this slide
These next 5 slides should include: 1 These next 5 slides should include: 1. A line in Spanish from the song that you translated 2. Pictures for the class to figure out the meaning of that line. After the class guesses what they think the meaning is from your awesome pictures, you will teach the class the meaning of the lines. Example on next slide
Answer: (I don’t have any money) No Tengo Dinero Answer: (I don’t have any money)
No tengo millones Para llevarte a Paris Answer: (I don’t have millions to take you to Paris)
First translation
2nd translation
3rd translation
4th translation
5th translation
Gracias!! Your names here