LCMs Technology Plan Learning to Change Changing to Learn Peggy Hale
Little Cypress Mauriceville Technology skills Successful students Mission Teachers facilitate Support life-long learning Vision
Technology Budgets Teaching and Learning Education Preparation and Development Leadership, Administration, and Support Infrastructure for Technology Budget
Teaching and Learning Individualized
Education, Preparation, and Development Effective
Leadership, Administration, and Support Maximize
Infrastructure for Technology Broadband access
Technology Needs InstructionalInfrastructure
Instructional Needs
Infrastructure Needs
Technology Budgets Goal 1Goal 2 Goal 3Goal 4 Goals
Goal 1 Provide technology resources that extend the traditional boundaries of classroom instruction to enhance student academic achievement and teacher effectiveness.
Goal 2 District educators will demonstrate technology proficiency to improve academic achievement. Ensure learning is collaborative, interactive, and customized throughout curriculum and instruction.
Goal 3 Provide leadership and vision in planning, budgeting, professional development, and technology delivery to create an environment of innovation for the effective integration of technology and communication with staff, parents, and the community.
Goal 4 Provide and maintain the infrastructure and technology support to enable the accomplishment of goals of the Board of Trustees and District/Campus plans and investigate and deploy emerging technologies as appropriate.
Evaluation Strategies Process Strategies Method
Evaluation Process
Evaluation Method
Teacher Proficiencies Entry Level I Adaptation Level II A-B Integration Level III Innovator Level IV
Improvements Professional DevelopmentWording too TechnicalTechnology leaders concerns
Learning to Change Changing to Learn
References U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Technology. (2004). Toward A New Golden Age in American Education: How the Internet, the Law and Todays Students Are Revolutionizing Expectations, Texas Education Agency. (December 2006). Texas Education Agency. In Educational Technology: Long-Range Plan for Technology. Retrieved February 12, 2010, from Schlief, M. (1998). Critical Issue: Developing a School or District Technology Plan. North central regional educational laboratory. Retrieved (2010, February 14) from