Audrey Desjarlais, Signetwork Coordinator Survey Findings SPDG Initiative Goals SPDG Initiative Outcomes
49 Respondents 76% state grantee response rate (35 of 46 funded state grantees) Included evaluators, directors, and coordinators Representation: 25 – state departments, 4 – IHEs, 6 - independent contractors, 5 - unknown
Develop online training modules Evaluate activities and programs (includes conduct needs assessment) Setup online habitats for collaboration/communication Provide TA, consultation, coaching, and mentoring Manage data (including collection, analysis, reporting) Knowledge Management - disseminate news/info
Learning Management Systems Web conferencing Online meetings spaces Podcasts Collaborative Document Editing Learning Modules Multiuser Virtual Learning Environment (Second Life) Online surveys Project Management Rapid e-learning modules Wikis
Resource/information repositories Video conferencing Media sharing sites Mobile device technologies Blogs Social Networking Vidcast Threaded discussions Vlogs Video Text-based live chat
Lack of knowledge (individual, staff) Lack of time (to investigate learn, and practice) Lack IT support Lack the infrastructure (at all levels: state, district, school) Lack funding Accessibility issues: security/firewalls, internet connection speed Rigorous approval process Things change too quickly
Continue to use the online applications – Adobe Connect, Signetwork Forum and Wikis – that are accessible to projects. Technology PLC sessions: Invite presenters to highlight applications that are low cost, accessible, and easy to implement. Technology PLC sessions: Invite a project personnel to go through the consultancy model problem-solving approach to brainstorm solutions to overcome some of the barriers Directors Webinars: Invite researchers from National Technology TA Centers or IHES to share best practices in tech implementation
To assist the SPDG Program and SPDG projects in integrating emerging technologies to: provide training, coaching, and professional development and technical assistance in a more efficient and cost-effective way. collect, manage, and display data more easily to make scientifically based decisions. collaborate and communicate more effectively efficiently support the use of innovations in the LEAs. ensure access to rural areas and students with disabilities. disseminate news and information in timely ways and in accessible formats
Provide technology application training that addresses the six areas identified in the 2011 SPDG Technology Survey: Host and facilitate the technology professional learning community for hands-on application practice and discuss strategies for using the applications Utilize or present information about technology applications on scheduled professional development events (face-to-face, online, pre- or post- event) that address the top six need areas Provide specific just-in-time trainings as follow-up to presentations Utilize the website collaborative tools – wiki, forum, blog - to communicate information and share tools and resources Disseminate annual survey (May 2012 and 2013) to assess progress in achieving outcomes and share results at SIG Day or other face-to- face events.
By June 2012, 50% SPDG project Directors, Coordinators, Evaluators will have received training in technology through the SPDG Program. By June 2013, 75% of SPDG project Directors, Coordinators, Evaluators will have received training in a technology through the SPDG program. By September 2012, 30% tested, adopted, or implemented an emerging technology presented on one of the technology PD events. By September 2013, 50% tested, adopted, or implemented an emerging technology presented on one of the technology PD events. By September 2011, the Tech Focus Workgroup will have used feedback from the new technology users to improve the SIGNetworks use of technology.
May 2011
New Events Calendar is Live – Details on all our PD events – PLC sessions, Implementation Conversations, Directors Webinars, Evaluators Events, Reporting Guidance and Bidders Webinars!
Resource Library is LIVE! Includes links, materials, resources, and information from SPDG grantees and National OSEP funded TA&D Centers.
Resources focused on Evaluation is now available. Includes information on reporting, instruments, data collection and display, and more.
Evaluators – Maryland C Directors, Coordinators and PTI Directors – Maryland AB
6 Speed Share Rounds Pairs will have 5 minutes to share information with one another.
Introduce yourself (name, state, role). Identify the top 1-3 activities your state has been successful with parent engagement. Explore how your projects make use of contracts with parent organizations (PTIs/CPRCs) Describe the challenges youve experienced collaborating with one another. Explain how we can build relationships with PTIs and CPRCS. What are the effective practices? Describe what kinds of needs assessment you did to develop your collaborative contract and action plan. Share product or material links. Share strategies for Family Engagement Dissemination.
Cynthia Glimpse, Technical Assistance Coordination Center (TACC) Amy Jenks, Director, New Hampshire SPDG