K-5 Instructional Technology Overview Darien Public Schools Christina L. Hefele K-12 Technology/Data Coordinator http://blogs.darienps.org/clhefele
Current Darien Technology Curriculum 2006 CT/ISTE Curriculum Standards – Focus on building proficiency in computer technology skills and competencies Basic operations and concepts Social, ethical, and human issues Technology Productivity Tools Technology Communication Tools Technology Research Tools Problem Solving and Decision Making Tools
21st Century Curriculum Overview Current ISTE Curriculum Standards - focus on citizenship, digital community, creativity and innovation and placing technology in a social context. Creativity and Innovation Communication and Collaboration Research and Information Fluency Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making Digital Citizenship Technology Operations and Concepts
Technology & Common Core Online Testing to begin Spring 2015 Embedded technology skills throughout K-12 ELA (Reading, Writing, Speaking) and Math Standards Continuous monitoring and evaluation of our current hardware and infrastructure to support online testing
K-5 Common Core & Technology Create, produce and publish writing using technology Read, analyze, interpret digital text, graphs, charts, animations etc.. Use technology to interact and collaborate Discuss details of digital text Use electronic menus and icons to locate information Create audio recordings of stories and poems
K-5 Common Core & Technology Navigate online resources and digital information using key words, searches Incorporate multimedia into student- created writings (audio, video, graphics) Take notes from digital sources Keyboard Efficiently Grade 4: type a minimum of 1page in a single sitting Grade 5: type a minimum of 2 pages in a single sitting Source Information ethically and responsibly
What does this mean for K-5 Instructional Technology at Darien? Develop materials to support Teachers Technology Pacing Guides for K-5 Sample Lessons for Teachers Incorporate of Digital Citizenship Curriculum Implementation of Keyboarding Program K-5 K-2 Type2Learn Jr. (left side, right side) 3-5 Type2Learn (touch typing method) Ongoing Teacher Professional Development Focus on K-12 alignment of Instructional Technology Curriculum Update/Revision K-5 Technology Curriculum
K-5 Recent Technology Improvements Replacement of classroom student computers grades 3-5 SMARTBoards remounted K-5 to lower height Implementation of SMARTBoards in Special Education Classrooms Purchase of document cameras for each school Purchase of digital cameras for each school Implementation of Dreambox Learning Math K-5 Implementation of RAZ Kids for Literacy district wide Pilot of iPads in Special Ed and SRBI Pilot of Nooks for elementary libraries Implementation of Atomic Learning Technology PD tool for teachers Implementation of district wide Blog Tool for teachers Initial rollout Aspen for K-5 Parents – Emergency Contacts
Anticipated K-5 Technology Improvements per Tech Plan Aspen – rollout of additional features for parents Additional upgrades to wireless infrastructure Double the number of computers available for students in library Upgrade student classroom computers K-2 Implementation of additional Special Ed SMARTBoards Implementation of K-5 Keyboarding Program Purchase of additional student interactive devices Replacement of elementary laptop carts Upgrades of teacher computers Implementation of additional tools to promote digital collaboration and communication
Parent Resources Sample Common Core Assessments Dreambox FAQs for Parents Parent Info Setting up Aspen Account Internet Safety and Digital Citizenship Resources Parents *** Common Sense Media – Great website to help you make informed choices about technology at home.