Using Songs and Chants - Introduction
USING SONGS AND CHANTS OUR WORLD THEME SONG When I say everybody move… This is our world. Everybody’s got a song to sing. Each boy and girl. This is our world! When I say “our,” you say “world.” Our! World! When I say “boy,” you say “girl.” Boy! Girl! When I say everybody move… When I say everybody stop… Everybody stop! This is our world. Everybody’s got a song to sing. Each boy and girl. Preview 1 Have the Our World theme song playing (on a loop if possible) as participants come into the room. Encourage participants to sing along as you greet them. Welcome to this workshop on using songs and chants. In this workshop you will learn some useful ideas for using songs and chants effectively in the young learner classroom. Introduce the topic. How many of you like to sing or rap? Young learners enjoy singing and rapping, so it makes sense to incorporate these activities into foreign language instruction.
Using songs: Benefits Challenges Preview 2 Distribute Handout 2.1. First let’s see how you feel about using songs and chants with young learners. Place participants in pairs. Make a list of the benefits and challenges of using songs and chants when teaching children English. Write them down on your handout. Collect ideas from participants by getting one idea per participant or per pair, depending on how large the audience is. Write their answers on the screen. Write the benefits in the left column. Write the challenges in the right column. Possible Answers: Benefits: They are fun. They make the classroom anxiety-free. Children learn the rhythm of the language. Children practice language. Singing is a social activity. Challenges: No singing ability Hard to keep control students No audio player
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Songs and chants are fun for young learners, but why are they good for language acquisition? Give at least three reasons. 1. 2. 3. Review Possible answers: • Learning language in a meaningful context • Exposure to authentic language • Improving listening and speaking • Practicing the rhythm of the language • Remembering language better In the next sections, you will learn four tips that will help you use songs and chants more effectively in your young learner classroom.