The 71st Meeting of the Executive Council 2020-2021 Budget EC-71/Doc.5 Presentation to The 71st Meeting of the Executive Council Geneva, 17-19 June 2019
Regulatory background Financial Regulation 4.1: Maximum Expenditures voted by Congress constitute an authority to EC to approve appropriations for each biannual budget. The total appropriations should not exceed the amount voted by Congress; Financial Regulation 6.5: The biennial budget shall be approved by the Executive Council.
Maximum Expenditure 2020-2023 (in thousands of Swiss francs)
Resolution 3(2)/1(Cg-18) – 1/3 Congress requested Secretary-General To include WMO’s annual contributions to UN Development System in the budget (reflected in 2020-2021 budget) To investigate formalizing an agreement with UN on UN Development System to promote cooperation between NMHSs and Resident Coordinators particularly in least developed countries
Resolution 3(2)/1(Cg-18) – 2/3 Congress requested Secretary-General Identify efficiency gains especially in administrative work and processes and savings corresponding to at least CHF 5.3 million in 2020-2023 Identify other sources of funding in 2020- 2023 to supplement the increased assessed contributions
Resolution 3(2)/1(Cg-18) – 3/3 Congress also invited WMO Members to consider XB contributions to accelerate, expand and/or scale up implementation of Long-Term Goals and Strategic Objectives of the Strategic Plan Congress authorized EC to incur other expenditure from voluntary resources
Efficiency Gains and Savings Review and alignment of the Secretariat structure, staffing and rules to enhance its utility and effectiveness in serving Members, starting from 2019 Identify efficiency gains and savings especially in administrative work and processes, as requested by Cg, from 2019, on the basis of the efficiency gains achieved in the past
(in thousands of Swiss francs) Proposed 2020-2021 budget (in thousands of Swiss francs)
Proposed 2020-2021 budget by year (for information, external auditor requested) (in thousands of Swiss francs)
Decisions required EC is invited: To adopt Draft Resolution 5 (EC-71) on the budget for the biennium 2020-2021 amounting to CHF 135,772,200 (50% of approved maximum expenditures for 2020-2023)
Thank you Merci