Any RedBox Storage Facility (For the next month) Oolaa Restaurant, Bridges Street (For the next 7 days) Hong Kong Football Club (For 10’s and 7’s tournaments) West Island School (For the next month)
Good morning, my name is Poppy I am helping to run an initiative for the rugby community in Laos which some of you may have read about in the bulletin. HKU Sandy Bay hosted the first girls Laos team to come to Asia recently. It was the first chance the girls had to travel abroad, as well as their first chance to play competitive rugby against teams all over Asia. We’d like to help these girls continue their rugby journey and help other girls to begin their own. And we can do that by working together to collect unwanted rugby kit to send to Laos, where girls often have to train barefoot or in flip flops. Our goal is to collect 1000 pair of boots! We are also collecting sports bras and any old kit that people may have. Drop-off any spare clean playing boots, gum shields, sports bras, body armour, etc. you have, and we’ll send them to those who will cherish and appreciate them. There will be a box in reception from Monday for people to drop them in. Ms Goodwin and I will share a ppt with you on the bulletin and if you could show it to your tutess on Monday morning that would be great. Many thanks in advance for your support.