outline Introduction Statement of Purpose Letter of Intent Reasons for Postgraduate Studies The Research Journey (the traveler and the travel guide) Conclusion
Introduction The purpose or intent of postgraduate studies is a crucial FIRST step into the postgraduate program. The statement of purpose and letter of intent are important criteria for admission into most graduate schools It introduces the students to the Postgraduate school/selection committee
Statement of PURPOSE (SOP) Statement of PURPOSE (SOP)? (Informal) A purpose statement is a declarative statement that summarizes a research project's main goal or goals
What do you want to study? Why you want to study it? What experience do you have in your field? What you plan to do with your degree once you have it? Why are you applying to a particular school?
Letter (Formal) or Statement of Intent (interest) Letter (Formal) or Statement of Intent (interest)? A statement of research intent is a preliminary summary of your research project Just remember that there is no “perfect” letter of intent or a one-size fits all format. The important thing is that it fits your personality and the school's requirements
Your specific area of academic interest How did your past education and other experiences prepare you to be successful in the graduate program What do you hope to achieve in the graduate program Why is this particular program the best place for you to pursue your interests
What work have you have done in this area already? How can you connect your area of interest to work being done in the program ? Which academic publications informed your interest ? Mention any publications, presentations or conferences you have been a part of.
Reasons for Postgraduate Studies. STUDENT (SUPERVISEE) Invest in your future (get a promotion?) Get recognition in the job market Pursue your interests in depth Contribute to literature (publish in journals) Establish connections Improve your financial prospects Get academic recognition
Reasons for Postgraduate Research SUPERVISOR Promotion requirement Attract research grants Contribute to literature (publish) Attend conferences Supervision honorarium Departmental requirement
Before (Traveler or Supervisee): The Research Journey! “Its like a long road trip”, but everyone has a different story! Before (Traveler or Supervisee): Timing Are you passionate enough about your subject? Are you ready to spend another year or two in the university? Are you financially buoyant? Do you have a supervisor of choice? Are you ready for the detours, delays and discoveries? Its not a smooth ride throughout. Are you ready for the detours, delays and discoveries.
during (Traveler or Supervisee): Are you Proactive? Did you join peer groups or networks with other students? Do you get support from others? Do you have a productive relationship with your supervisor? Are you keeping to agreed timelines/datelines? Do you have regular interactions with your supervisory team?
Before (Travel guide or Supervisor): Are you the best guide for the student? Do you have funding to support the research? Does the research seem to address a pertinent problem that exists? Is the outcome of the research novel? Are you familiar with new techniques in your field?
During (Travel guide or Supervisor): Are you providing the relevant guide to your supervisee? Are you available on request to help troubleshoot problems? Do you give feedbacks in time to written works by the student? Do you assists the student in gaining access to facilities or research materials? Do you assists the student to comply with any changes that need to be made to the thesis after the thesis or dissertation defence? Do you acknowledge appropriately the contributions of the student in presentations and in published material, in many cases via joint authorship?
Ways to refine our purpose and intent? Reviving Campus Guidance and Counselling Centers Organizing Career Development Seminars/workshops Setting Up Career Clinics Setting Up one-on-one and Online Mentorship groups Organizing Postgraduate Open Days
conclusion No two postgraduate students have the same story or journey. Having a clear purpose or intent right from inception of the program (journey) is paramount to ensuring a successful journey with minimal hitches.