Do now! Read the following statement: Video games contribute to youth violence. Write 3-5 sentences in support of the issue, then 3-5 sentences in opposition to the issue. Afterwards, write 1 sentence describing which side you actually believe.
Do now! Read the following statement: Completing homework during the summer is beneficial to academic success. Write 3-5 sentences in support of the issue, then 3-5 sentences in opposition to the issue. Afterwards, write 1 sentence describing which side you actually believe.
Snickers vs. Kit Kats Imagine that there are only two kinds of candy bars left in the world: Snickers and Kit Kats. Your candy bar is the best value, and it is your job to come up with as many “logical” reasons why your candy bar is the best value.
Snickers vs. Kit Kats As a whole group, you need to decide on the ten best reasons why your candy bar is the best value. Write these on the chart paper.
Snickers vs. Kit Kats Next, choose the top three reasons and cross out all others.
Snickers vs. Kit Kats Individually or in pairs, you need to create a thesis statement explaining why your candy bar is the best value.
Snickers vs. Kit Kats Write two short paragraphs to support your thesis statements. Make sure these are linked by transitions and connect smoothly.
Snickers vs. Kit Kats Next, pair up with another individual or group from the other side. Discuss with them the reasons you chose. Your next task will be to write a paragraph connected to your other paragraphs which demonstrates the opposing side.
Snickers vs. Kit Kats Now that you’ve identified a challenge to your side, your job is to construct a short paragraph to disprove that side. Use what you know about candy bars, packaging, and logic in your writing.
Do now! Read the following statement: Every student should be required to participate in a sport or a club to ensure a well-rounded educational experience. Write 3-5 sentences in support of the issue, then 3-5 sentences in opposition to the issue. Afterwards, write 1 sentence describing which side you actually believe.
Debate skits You will be assigned a topic. Your job, with your group, is to develop a short skit (5 minutes or less) that will persuade the audience to agree with you. Skits should be well-thought-out and practiced before being performed.
Debate skits reflection In your bellwork books, write a short reflection about the skits performed today. Did any of them persuade you? Why or why not?
Do now! Read the following statement: Every Friday should be a dress-down Friday at TMSA. Write 3-5 sentences in support of the issue, then 3-5 sentences in opposition to the issue. Afterwards, write 1 sentence describing which side you actually believe.
Do now! Read the following statement: Cell phones cause distractions in school. Write 3-5 sentences in support of the issue, then 3-5 sentences in opposition to the issue. Afterwards, write 1 sentence describing which side you actually believe.
Do now! Read the following statement: Lying is never justified, and should never be done. Write 3-5 sentences in support of the issue, then 3-5 sentences in opposition to the issue. Afterwards, write 1 sentence describing which side you actually believe.
Do now! Read the following statement: Children and teenagers should be required to do chores at home. Write 3-5 sentences in support of the issue, then 3-5 sentences in opposition to the issue. Afterwards, write 1 sentence describing which side you actually believe.
Mini-debates Opening statements Rebuttal 1-2 minutes—no shorter! Includes research & facts along with personal beliefs Does not include a lot of verbal clutter or moments of silence Should be written out and well-rehearsed! Rebuttal Do not discuss points with your partner: you’re trying to win the debate, and if they know your arguments already they’ll be able to take you down with their rebuttal. Brainstorm possible points they might make and be prepared with counter-arguments.
Mini-debates Closing statement Prepare something concise, but powerful. Remember, this is the last time the audience will hear your side—you want it to be good!
Do now! Read the following statement: The minimum wage should be higher. Write 3-5 sentences in support of the issue, then 3-5 sentences in opposition to the issue. Afterwards, write 1 sentence describing which side you actually believe.
Do now! Read the following statement: Everyone should be required to learn a second language. Write 3-5 sentences in support of the issue, then 3-5 sentences in opposition to the issue. Afterwards, write 1 sentence describing which side you actually believe.
Do now! Read the following statement: The school day should start later. Write 3-5 sentences in support of the issue, then 3-5 sentences in opposition to the issue. Afterwards, write 1 sentence describing which side you actually believe.
Do now! Read the following statement: Plastic bags should be banned. Write 3-5 sentences in support of the issue, then 3-5 sentences in opposition to the issue. Afterwards, write 1 sentence describing which side you actually believe.
Do now! Read the following statement: Recess should be incorporated into the high school schedule at TMSA. Write 3-5 sentences in support of the issue, then 3-5 sentences in opposition to the issue. Afterwards, write 1 sentence describing which side you actually believe.
Do now! Read the following statement: A hard work ethic is more important than being really smart. Write 3-5 sentences in support of the issue, then 3-5 sentences in opposition to the issue. Afterwards, write 1 sentence describing which side you actually believe.
Do now! Read the following statement: Students should be allowed to wear free dress to school on their birthday. Write 3-5 sentences in support of the issue, then 3-5 sentences in opposition to the issue. Afterwards, write 1 sentence describing which side you actually believe.
Do now! Read the following statement: Self-driving cars will be good for America. Write 3-5 sentences in support of the issue, then 3-5 sentences in opposition to the issue. Afterwards, write 1 sentence describing which side you actually believe.
Self-driving cars Once in teams, go through both articles as a group and highlight the parts that support your stance. Make a T-chart, and record at least three arguments on the PRO side and at least three on the CON side. (It is important to look at both sides so you can be better prepared for rebuttals). Each group will have a minute to argue their side and then a minute for rebuttals. Choose group members to represent your group!
Debate 10/13 Please move the desks so that they’re arranged in a circle. Please have out your book for a book check.
Do now! Read the following statement: Serving on a jury should be optional. Write 3-5 sentences in support of the issue, then 3-5 sentences in opposition to the issue. Afterwards, write 1 sentence describing which side you actually believe.
Do now! Read the following statement: Vaccines should be required for children. Write 3-5 sentences in support of the issue, then 3-5 sentences in opposition to the issue. Afterwards, write 1 sentence describing which side you actually believe.
Debate research Two vs. two debate reminders: Each person will have an opening statement. Each person will participate in the rebuttals. Debates go in as major assessments: they must be taken seriously! 30 minutes: planning