How to do BAD PowerPoint!
Use different colors on every slide
Use as many font styles as possible
Don’t prepare any handouts. Everyone will be paying attention to your every word, and will remember everything next week, so who needs paper?
Don’t worry aboute checking speling or gramar.
Save your main point until the very end, then say it only once!
Don’t rehearse, and don’t check out the equipment or facility before your presentation starting time.
Use monochromatic, low contrast colors for text and background
Use irrelevant graphics and audio clips to distract your audience.
Memorize your talk word for word. Then, if you lose your place, you can start all over again!
Cram lots of small size text on every slide. See, isn’t this legible from 20 feet away?
Don’t use any logical progression in presenting your thoughts; this will keep your audience guessing!
Use many special effects and lots of animation; everyone will be very impressed!
Go ahead and use a circus theme for an executive budget meeting! Don’t worry about matching the design of your slides to the situation and topic. Go ahead and use a circus theme for an executive budget meeting!
Don’t worry about balancing objects on your page. Everything can be off Center. No problem.