+ Using technology to differentiate the curriculum for Gifted students Judy Lymbery GATE/e-learning advisor Victoria University, Wellington
+ Agenda Technology and student achievement Examples of using technology in the classroom Web quests, wikis, blogs, cartooning ICT and Blooms taxonomy
+ Learning Intentions What do you want to achieve today?
literacy numeracy e-learning Learning areas
The New Zealand Curriculum, &
+ Impact of technology on student achievement Students learn more in less time Student attitudes were more positive Student achievement in technology rich environments was increased The level of effectiveness is dependent on the software design, the teachers role and level of access
+ How can using technology enhance the learning for students? Identify where technology use and learning can take place Make the technology available to students relative to their ability Give instruction on using the technology Use peer tutoring Offer a wide range of technology options Integrate in a meaningful way
+ Create opportunities for interaction outside the classroom Provide opportunities for students to practice, grow and expand their skills Encourage enrichment through the use of technology Support other teachers with the use of technology Value technology as a learning tool in the classroom
+ Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 Web 1.0 was about reading, Web 2.0 is about writing Web 1.0 was about companies, Web 2.0 is about communities Web 1.0 was about home pages, Web 2.0 is about blogs Web 1.0 was about wires, Web 2.0 is about wireless Web 1.0 was about owning, Web 2.0 is about sharing Web 1.0 was about dialup, Web 2.0 is about broadband Web 1.0 was about hardware costs, Web 2.0 is about bandwidth costs
+ Four tools that can be used to support Gifted students. Web Quests Wikis Blogs Cartooning using Comic Life
+ The use of Web Quests is one such tool that can be used for differentiation in the classroom either with a small group or for a student to use as an independent study.Web Quests Web Quests contain a list of teacher-screened websites that can be used to do research and complete specific tasks within a defined structure. When using these with gifted students, the tasks should be more complex than with the regular population.
+ There are three different ways that teachers can apply Web Quests: Use a Web Quest that has already been created and is available on the Internet. Take a Web Quest that has been created and modify it to meet the needs of your students. Create your own Web Quest.
+ For sources of Web Quests that are already created, take a look at WebQuest.org Best WebQuests iWebQuest For sources to modify existing Web Quests, see Adapting and Enhancing Existing Web Quests
+ For help in creating your own Web Quests, check out WebQuest.org WebQuest Taskonomy InstantProjects.org WebQuest 101
+ Activity Using the two printed web quests, Identify the common structure of a web quest. Identify any changes, if any, you would need to make for a gifted student. Identify the HOTS, using the Blooms Taxonomy Identify the technology that could be integrated into this project.
+ Wikis What is a wiki? Examples Wikispaces Pbwiki Wetpaint
+ This work is licensed under a Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution License What is a Wiki? A webpage with an Edit button Easy to use Perfect for collaborative learning
+ This work is licensed under a Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution License Why Wikispaces? The worlds easiest to use wiki No experience necessary. You are up and running in minutes. Constantly bring you new and improved features Develop the product based on what you, our community, wants. Highly-praised customer service
+ This work is licensed under a Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution License Why Bring It To The Classroom? Great motivator for students Easy to monitor Allows for creativity and innovation Encourages participation of all students Promotes communication between students, teachers, and parents A new, interesting way to learn
+ This work is licensed under a Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution License How Can I Use it in a Classroom? Simple websites Peer-reviewed projects Group projects Manage school and classroom documents Classroom discussion and debate Teacher collaboration Post classroom assignments Collaborate with an international classroom
+ This work is licensed under a Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution License Wiki Terms Wikispaces has different permissions settings for your space Public: Anyone can view or edit your Wikispace Protected: Anyone can view your space but only members can edit Private: Only members can view or edit your space
+ This work is licensed under a Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution License Editing Your Wiki Click the Edit This Page button at the top of your wiki. Write the text you would like on your page. You can format it with bold, underline, italics, headings, and more. Once you are done editing, click Save.
+ Wiki examples! Presentation wiki- Judes SpaceJudes Space ICT Toolkit Classroom examples from NZ NZ
+ Blogs A blog is a personal diary. A daily pulpit. A collaborative space. A political soapbox. A breaking-news outlet. A collection of links. Your own private thoughts. Memos to the world. Your blog is whatever you want it to be. There are millions of them, in all shapes and sizes, and there are no real rules. In simple terms, a blog is a web site, where you write stuff on an ongoing basis. New stuff shows up at the top, so your visitors can read what's new. Then they comment on it or link to it or you. Or not.
+ Examples of blogs Six months in a fleecy coat Ideas of how this could be used in class. (Think,pair, share)
+ Comic Life Software used for publishing Samples of student work Year 5/6 Self information Product from inquiry work How could you use this software?
+ E-learning and differentiation Blooms Digital Taxonomy ** Further ideas for digital differentiation.**
+ And Finally Learning Intentions sheet – have you achieved what you wanted today? Please add any comments, suggestions etc to the sheet and leave with me. Please add your ideas to the wiki – Judes Space Thank you and I hope you had some fun!