Impact of CIRCLE Fellowship on my Career Development Amon Taruvinga (Ph.D) Associate Professor Department of Agricultural Economics University of Fort Hare, Faculty of Science & Agriculture, South Africa Developing the Capacity of Early Career Researchers, USAf-ACU Joint Symposium, University of Johannesburg, Monday 18th – Tuesday 19th March 2019
Presentation Overview Background information home and host institutions Pre-departure workshops Post fellowship workshops Impact on my career development Publications, conferences, student supervision Research grants, research uptake (community engagement) Collaborations, promotions Concluding Remarks
Background Information Home and Host Institutions University of Fort Hare (UFH): Home mentor: Dr Z. Zhou PhD in Geography University of Cape Town (UCT): Host supervisor: Prof M. Visser PhD in Economics Social support Technical support
Workshops Pre – departure workshop 1 x AAS Nairobi, Kenya During following workshops 2 x UCT Cape Town, SA Post fellowship workshops 1 x AAS Nairobi, Kenya
Impact on journal publications
Impact on international conference China Dubai Turkey USA Japan Singapore Dubai Singapore USA Brazil Italy
Impact on post graduate supervision
Impact on research grants
Impact on research uptake
Impact on research collaborations University of Fort Hare in collaboration with Community Technology Development Organisation – Zimbabwe Joint research project: Mobile veld fire detection and sharing system for Zimbabwe Research funding history: NRF - R30, 000 (period: 2015) CIRCLE - R50, 000 (period: 2016) Looking for funding to upscale the system
Joint research project: University of Fort Hare in collaboration with Namibia University of Science and Technology Joint research project: Mobile veld fire detection and sharing system for southern Africa Research funding history: UFH (GMRDC) – R50,000 (period: 2016) NRF & NCRST – R1,2 million (period: 2017 – 2019)
Joint research project: University of Fort Hare in collaboration with EMU University College, Kenya Joint research project: Web and mobile early warning, malaria detection, monitoring and sharing platform Research funding history: NRF – R30, 000 (period: 2016) Looking for funding to pilot test the prototype, and upscale the system
Joint research project: University of Fort Hare in collaboration with Department of Rural Development and Agrarian Reform (DRDAR) Joint research project: Eastern Cape Agricultural baseline survey (online open access portal) Research funding history: DRDAR - R3.1 million (period: 2016 – 2018) Looking for funding to develop Eastern Cape Agricultural Development Plan
Impact on academic promotions As Prof SNL CVF Lect P Doc PhD 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Concluding Remarks CIRCLE Fellowship: Changed my mind set Enhanced my publication skills Enhanced my career development Enhanced my research & community approach Funds permitting replication of a similar program targeting southern African researchers would be an inter-generational investment with multiple ripple effects
Thank You