ANXIETY LEVEL OF PATIENT WITH MAJOR MULTY SYSTEM PRE-SURGERY AT RUMAH SAKIT ADVENT BANDUNG Universitas Advent Indonesia Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Program Studi Diploma Keperawatan 2016-2017 Florida HONDO, Elton Joseph Ludji Leo and Debbily Yuan Boyoh
Problems The impact of the level of anxiety can lead to a change of physical and psychological eventually activates the autonomic nervous sympathetic, thereby increasing heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, and generally reduces the rod of energy in patients, and ultimately can harm patients. Anxiety is an emotional response to the assessment that describes the state of worry, anxiety, fear, and not at ease with a variety of physical complaints. These circumstances can occur in a variety of life situations as well as diseases.
Purpose This study aimed to determine the level of patient anxiety pre-surgery major multi system at Bandung Adventist Hospital. It utilized a descriptive quantitative approach.
Methods The population of the study is hospitalized patients who undergone major surgery, aged 17 years and above. Thirty (30) samples were selected using purposive sampling. Instruments to measure the respondents’ anxiety is For Anxiety Visual Analogue Scale (VAS-A). Anxiety scale data acquisition in this study using the formula mean processed, analyzed and interpreted.
Results The anxiety level of major surgical patients with laminectomy in nervous system is in average of 60, which is in moderate category of anxiety level. The anxiety level of major nephrectomy surgical patients on the urogenital system at has an average mean value of 53.3, which is in a moderate category.
Results The anxiety level of major gastrointestinal surgery patients and appendectomy in the gastrointestinal system has a mean value of 58.3, which is in moderate category. The average score of anxiety level of major section-caeserea surgery and mastectomy in reproductive system has mean score of 51,6, which is in moderate category.
Results The anxiety level of major musculoskeletal surgery patients has a mean value of 50.0, which is in moderate category. The anxiety level of major respiratory system surgery patients has a mean value of 47.5, which is in moderate category. The anxiety level of major endocrine system surgery patients has a mean value of 35.0, which is in mild category.
Conclusion The anxiety level of multi-system pre-major surgical patients at Bandung Adventist Hospital is moderate. The type of major multi-system surgery that experiences the highest anxiety is the operation of laminectomy, in the nervous system. The type of major multi-system surgery that experiences the lowest anxiety is thyroidectomy surgery, in the endocrine system.