WGITA/IDI IT Handbook Update Nick Marinos Director Information Technology & Cybersecurity U.S. Government Accountability Office April 2019 For more information, contact Nick Marinos at marinosn@gao.gov
Background The original WGITA – IDI Handbook on IT Audit was released in 2014 and used in integrated training and related audits conducted by over 20 SAIs in the AFROSAI region. The following year training and related audits were conducted by approximately 30 SAIs in EUROSAI, ASOSAI, and a few in CAROSAI. It has been translated to over 4 languages.
Efforts to Update the Handbook An effort was initiated several years ago to update the content of the Handbook. In 2017, GAO requested WGITA members to provide input to the original Handbook, with a focus on updating Chapter 7 (Information Security). In 2018, GAO provided a draft Chapter 7 revision for the working groups consideration as part of the WGITA Annual Meeting. This was taken on as a non-IFPP document effort.
Current Status IDI and GAO representatives spoke in early 2019 to discuss the best course forward for any additional efforts to update the Handbook. The group collectively agreed that before pursuing any further revision efforts, additional data was needed.
Proposal Develop and administer a survey to the larger INTOSAI community to gather a better understanding of how the Handbook is being currently utilized, what the current INTOSAI community needs are for practical IT audit guidance, and whether enhancements/updates to the Handbook would address these needs. IDI and GAO representatives have begun efforts to develop a scope and methodology for the survey.
Conclusion IDI and GAO representatives propose the use of a survey to gather information to determine the path ahead for the Handbook. Additional volunteers from the WGITA community would be greatly appreciated to assist in the development of the survey and analysis of its results.