Blood Tests
Complete Blood Count Measures different types of blood cells Cancer detected if too few or too many of certain types of cells are found Cancer detected by abnormal cells
Complete Blood Count Red Blood Cell Count (RBC)-actual number of RBC in a sample Hemoglobin-measures amount of oxygen carrying protein in blood Hematocrit-percentage of person’s blood that consists of RBCs Platelet count-number of platelets in a person’s blood (stop bleeding) White Blood Cell Count (WBC)-number of WBC in sample
Differential Breakdown of types of white blood cells in sample fight infections some attack cancer cells
neutrophils-40-60%-bacterial and fungi infections lymphocytes (B, T, NK)-20-40%-infections from microorganisms, cancer, virus infected monocytes- 2-8%-infections from microorganisms eosinophils-1-4%-parasites and allergic reactions basophils-0.5-1%-allergic, blood, and neoplastic disorders, and parasites
Something to think about… These tests used not only to diagnose cancer, but to evaluate your body is tolerating treatments Cancer patients regularly have tests done to make sure their body is strong enough to tolerate these treatments