Brunswick County CCP Raw Survey Results Brunswick Community Connectivity Plan *Survey results compiled from 103 responses
Background The North Carolina Department of Transportation, Public Transportation Division (PTD) provides grants management, planning support, and oversight duties for sub-recipients of federal Section 5311 rural transit funds in the state. An important component of this role is providing planning assistance for local sub-recipients, including guidance and funding to help complete five-year plans for the transit programs. PTD has recently updated the methodology used for the development of the five-year plan and changed the name to “Community Connectivity Plan” (CCP). The CCP process makes greater use of a number of existing datasets as compared to prior methodologies. The new CCP also has an emphasis on obtaining public input.
What is the zip code of your primary residence?
Are you aware of Brunswick Transit System (BTS), the public transportation system that operates door-to-door service in Brunswick County?
Are you aware of Wave Transit, the public transportation system based in New Hanover County that provides bus service between Leland and Wilmington?
On average, how often do you use BTS?
On average, how often do you use Wave Transit (the Brunswick Connector)?
If you haven't used public transportation in Brunswick County or have stopped, what are the main reasons you do not use public transportation?
On average, how often do you use services like Uber or Lyft within Brunswick County?
How often do you bike?
What prevents you from walking or riding a bike in Brunswick County more often?
On a scale of 1-5, with "1" meaning "Not at All Valuable" and "5" meaning "Extremely Valuable," how valuable do you feel public transportation is to Brunswick County?
On a scale of 1-5, with "1" meaning "Not at All Valuable" and "5" meaning "Extremely Valuable," how valuable do you feel public transportation is to you personally?
What are the most important areas that you believe Brunswick County should focus on to provide the most value to the region? Providing transportation options to people with special mobility needs, such as the elderly, disabled, and people who are unable to drive. Providing access to health and medical facilities. Improving quality of life. Providing mobility to low-income families and individuals who cannot afford the costs of owning a car. Providing access to work places.
Would you like to see expanded transportation options in Brunswick County?
If you were to use public transportation in Brunswick County, what types of trips would you most like to use public transportation for?
Would you rather the County invest in: