Roth’s Weekly Newsletter August 12,2016 Peek at the Week This has been a great first week for the students in 1-B. They came to school excited and ready to learn. They did such a great job, we are going to start with our first reading story and math unit this week. Your child will have a math packet and a spelling list to work on next week. The assignments are due on the day that is indicated on the top. You may work ahead if you like. Upcoming Events August 12- Back to School Social football field at 6:30. Scrimmage Game at 7 p.m. St. Anne-Pacelli Vs. Jordan August 16- Parent only back to school night 6:00 August 18- Church 9:30 Church uniform and dismissal at 1:45 August 19- Chicken Biscuit sales start in the morning. These are limited to first come first served basis. August 22- Charleston Wrap kick off at 1:30 August 26– August Birthday Celebration 2:00 – 2:30 A Look Ahead! This section will tell you what we will be working on in all subjects. Reading- Sam the Cat Phonics- Short a sound in a CVC pattern & final ck sound Spelling words- at , can, cat, back, dad, am, bat, mad, ran, sack Vocabulary- way, on, in Grammar- Sentence Math- addition concepts Religion-God loves us! Science- Weather Social Studies- sequencing events (chronological order) Please send in 4 pictures of your child at different ages. Parent Reminders Return Blue Folder daily and Red Folders on Mondays Bring Spelling Notebooks to class daily Bring Reading books home/class daily St. Anne-Pacelli handbook can be viewed on information now : Star Student Bridger Arceneaux- Bridger is a new Viking this year. He came in with a smile on his face and has already made many new friends!