School Improvement Grant (SIG) HCS School Improvement Grant (SIG) June 7, 2012
School Improvement Grant (SIG) HCS School Improvement Grant (SIG) Westlawn Middle and James I Dawson applied in 2011 for a School Improvement Grant (SIG), which means they were identified as needing improvement, corrective action, or restructuring, as to enable them to make adequate yearly progress.
Or Choice & SES Made AYP No Choice or SES 2012-13 AYP Status (Data from 2011-12) 2011-12 AYP Status (Data from 2010-11) Huntsville City Schools 2011-12 AYP 2010-11 AYP Status (Data from 2009-10) Huntsville City Schools 2010-11 AYP James I Dawson Transformation Model School Improvement Grant School Improvement Year 2 Choice & SES Or Made AYP No Choice or SES School Improvement Year 1 Delay - Made AYP School Improvement Year 1 Did not meet Proficiency for Reading - All Students; Black; Free-Reduced Lunch and Math - All Students; Black; Westlawn Turnaround Model AYP Starting Over in the AYP Process School Improvement Year 7 Did not meet Proficiency for Reading - All Students; Special Education; Math – Special Education & Black School Improvement Year 6 Reading - Special Education Math - Special Education
James I Dawson Transformation Model Westlawn Turnaround Model Amount Requested in the SIG Important Academic Measures Instructional Program James I Dawson Transformation Model Replace Principal and work with the evaluation program of the existing staff School Improvement Grant Approximately $1,054,000 a year for 3 years Extended learning time (30 minutes) Job embedded PD Continuous use of data to inform and differentiate instruction HCS benchmark and outside evaluator Community Engagement Behavior Management Instructional program aligned with standards based instruction through one-to-one technology Westlawn Turnaround Model Replace Principal and 50% of the teachers $1,059,000 Extended learning time (60 minutes)