PV STEM Network & Training & Workforce Options February 14, 2014
Tech Foundry and Training and Workforce Options hosted an Information Technology Workforce Summit on October 17 th as a means for industry leaders to help further define and prioritize a framework for collaboration to meet their current training and future labor force and workforce needs.
VTO Fazzi Associates EpiCenter Loomis Communities Michael Kane Consulting Kelley Management Group Baystate Health Network Chicopee Savings Bank BronoFox Helath New England Court Square Group Economic Development Council MGHPCC CHD AIM Select Marketing Innovative Business Systems Western Regional Office
Do you see the regions demand for IT services expanding or contracting over the next 3 to 5 years? Expanding! All aspects of businesses require it, younger generation born with computer Cloud based services across multiple scenes (Smartphone, tablet, PC, TV, etc); IT is in all industries (Manufacturing, Insurance, Banking, Medical) Data Analytics, Hosting Services Information Security, Networking (Wireless Fiber) Regulatory Compliance Mobility Digital and mobile media and services will be in greater demand
What are your top concerns with the regions ability to supply the IT sector with qualified employees? 1. Education & Training Higher-Ed need to change their curriculum to match business requirements 2. Business Support Lack of promotion by local businesses that there are IT jobs in our area 3. Attractiveness of the Region Changing the way people see Western Mass. will be hard 4. Retention Employer, Talent & Teacher 5. Salary Cant offer a competitive Salary
Which specific IT specialties do you feel there is currently a shortage of qualified candidates in? In 3-5 years ?
What are the greatest weaknesses (technical or non- technical) you see in candidates applying for the specialties you ranked highest? TECHNICAL C++ Net Skills Too much emphasis on Open Software Microsoft Office Development SQL Mobile Applications NON- TECHNICAL Lack of Communication Problem Solving Analytical Mind Soft Skills Networking/ Sales Experience Team Orientation/Collaboration Teamwork Writing Skills
18 MONTHS %Count YEARS %Count If not for a shortage of qualified candidates, by what percentage do you think the IT sector headcount would increase in Western Mass. within 18 months? 3-5 years?
Growth is stunted due to lack of qualified employees Elongates projects & Impairs Innovation Automation abilities fuel increased productivity Companies delay bringing equipment because they have to spend money on IT salaries Keeps Pioneer Valley area "behind the rest of the world" technologically, affects the general knowledge of the area on IT How would you describe the impact that the shortage of qualified IT candidates has on business growth and success?
High School Pipeline Program Summer College IT Boot Camp Program Project Management for IT - Intro Project Management for IT – Advanced Supervision & Team Leadership Communication Problem Solving & Decision Making Adult College Transition Program Regional Collaborative Incumbent Training Grant Program