T1D is reduced in CT-treated NOD mice. T1D is reduced in CT-treated NOD mice. A: Diabetes remission was studied in diabetic NOD mice. After diabetes onset (BG >300 mg/dL), female NOD mice were treated with three daily injections of 30 µg aCD3. BG concentrations were determined until week 26 after diabetes onset. Concentrations >300 mg/dL were considered to be diabetic. T1D remission was defined as a stable reversion of BG to concentrations below 300 mg/dL. Significant differences are indicated (P values). B: Consecutive pancreas tissue sections obtained from mice treated with isotype-matched control antibody, aCD3 and isotype-matched control antibody (aCD3), aCXCL10 alone, or CT at day 21 after the first dose of aCD3 were stained for insulin, CD4 T cells (CD4), and CD8 T cells (CD8). Images of two representative islets of two mice per group are displayed (original magnification, ×20). The BG values (milligrams per deciliter) of the corresponding mice measured at day 0 and day 21 after the first dose of aCD3 are indicated in the lower left corners of the images in column 1. C: The degree of insulitis for individual islets from pancreas sections of three mice was scored as indicated. Stanley Lasch et al. Diabetes 2015;64:4198-4211 ©2015 by American Diabetes Association