Mobile Data Collection _ A Collaboration Kyle Johnson & Lisa Dunaway, AICP, LEED AP
About Us Kyle A. Johnson Lisa M. Dunaway GIS Coordinator for Delaware County, Indiana Lisa M. Dunaway Instructor of Urban Planning, Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana AICP, LEED AP
The “Neighborhood Studio” Photo: L. Dunaway
“Immersive Learning” To be considered immersive, a project must: engage participants in an active learning process that is student-driven but guided by a faculty mentor produce a tangible outcome or product, such as a business plan, policy recommendation, book, play, or DVD involve at least one team of students include community partners and create an impact on the larger community as well as on the student participants help students define a career path or make connections to a profession or industry
Neighborhood Action Plans Past: Whitely South-Central Old West End Blaine/Southeast Industry Upcoming: Riverside/Normal City Thomas Park/Avondale Photo: L. Dunaway
Initial Use of Mobile GIS Apps ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS “Green” App for iOS/Android Feature Services Initially hosted using Delaware County’s ArcGIS Server, main ArcSDE-SQL geodatabase First application had all layers published as one feature service and resulted in performance issues The initial neighborhood studio to utilize the ArcGIS app for mobile devices was the first multi-user test of web-editing that Delaware County had attempted. (already had several single-user editing apps) We quickly realized that our server/internet infrastructure and the way we published the map services was not optimal – we had a lot of lag time on edits and performance issues. The students were able to complete the inventory, but some of the time-saving benefits of the app were lost. After inventory data was collected, the GIS data was supplied to the students so they could run their analysis and generate maps for the plan. Source: Delaware County GIS Dept.
Changes & New Technology Separate ArcSDE Database, Split each map layer into separate feature service - Increased performance ArcGIS Online for Organizations released Moved feature services to hosted on ArcGIS Online – much better performance The map application consisted of existing local data that could be updated (trees, utility infrastructure, street and sidewalk conditions, property status, amenities and ADA compliance). After the first year issue with performance, we decided to create a web-only ArcSDE/SQL database and publish each map layer as separate services. This helped performance, but was still a little slow. Soon thereafter ArcGIS Online for Organizations was released and we moved to hosting the map services there, and performance increased dramatically. BSU launched their ArcGIS Online account. Source: Delaware County GIS Dept.
Using ArcGIS Collector Better performance Easier for students to learn & use Collection without network connection
GIS Inventory Methodology Pre-loaded inventory map with existing features (parcels, buildings, other infrastructure) Students collected conditions, new & removed features, as well as class-designated features Finished inventory data delivered to class as a geodatabase for their analysis.
Final Action Plan
Goals & Initiatives
Inventory & Analysis Maps
Suitability Maps
Priority Maps
Blight & Crime Map
Our Plans See all our neighborhood plans at Look for PLAN 302 or PLAN 629
Lessons Learned Understand multi-user editing of feature services. and what affects performance. Split map layers into separate services. Separate web-editing geodatabase from main database. Utilize ArcGIS Online hosting, if possible.
Field Trips & Story Maps Field trips to other cities to study Urban Planning Students collected locations, pictures and descriptions Used Collector and more recently GeoForm apps StoryMap was created highlighting the trip and shared
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