Horizon Europe Missions #HorizonEU Renzo Tomellini


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Presentation transcript:

Horizon Europe Missions #HorizonEU Renzo Tomellini http://ec.europa.eu/horizon-europe Horizon Europe Missions #HorizonEU Renzo Tomellini - Head of Unit “Horizon Strategic Planning and Programming (Co-creation and Co-design)” - acting Head of Unit “Missions and Partnerships” renzo.tomellini@ec.europa.eu This presentation is based on the Commission Proposal for Horizon Europe, the common understanding between the co-legislators and the Partial General Approach. It does represent an engagement on behalf of the European Commission. Please refer to official documents. Research and Innovation

Missions Horizon Europe: Preliminary structure Pillar 2 Pillar 1 Widening Participation and Strengthening the European Research Area Reforming and Enhancing the European R&I system Widening participation and spreading excellence Pillar 1 Excellent Science European Research Council Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Research Infrastructures Pillar 3 Innovative Europe European Innovation Council European innovation ecosystems European Institute of Innovation and Technology Pillar 2 Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness Health Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society Civil Security for Society Digital, Industry and Space Climate, Energy and Mobility Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment Joint Research Centre Clusters Missions

Commission proposal for budget: €100 billion* (2021-2027) * This envelope includes EUR 3.5 billion allocated under the InvestEU Fund.

R&I Missions are… Portfolios of actions across disciplines intended to achieve a bold, inspirational and measurable goal within a set timeframe with impact for society and policy making as well as relevance for a significant part of the European population and wide range of European citizens.

Mission-oriented research and innovation Lamy Report (2012) Mission-oriented research and innovation Key recommendations: Build a true EU innovation policy that creates future markets Design the EU R&I programme for greater impact Adopt a mission-oriented, impact-focused approach to address global challenges Privilege impact over process Mobilise and involve citizens Align EU, national and private R&I investments Capture and better communicate impact

R&I Missions should… 1st Mazzucato Report (2018) Be bold and inspirational, with wide societal relevance; Indicate a clear direction: targeted, measurable and time-bound; Be ambitious but realistic research and innovation actions; Spark innovation across disciplines, sectors and actors; Drive multiple, bottom-up solutions. 100 Carbon Neutral Cities by 2030 A plastic-free ocean Decreasing the burden of dementia

Implementation of R&I Missions 2nd Mazzucato Report (2019) Implementation of R&I Missions Key recommendations: Engage citizens in co-designing, co-creating, co-implementing and co-assessing missions Innovation in public sector capabilities Mission-oriented finance and funding to leverage and crowd-in other forms of finance

Adaptation to climate change, including societal transformation Healthy oceans, seas, coastal and inland waters 5 Mission areas Cancer Soil health and food Climate-neutral and smart cities

Mission Boards Need for independence + broad expertise Engaging with MS – e.g. via link with ad hoc group of the PC Commission supervision Advisory roles in Defining specific missions (from areas) and objectives – these to be endorsed by Members States via Programme Committee Drafting mission portfolio calls and topics in WP – to be endorsed by Members States via Programme Committee Selection of evaluation experts, evaluation briefing and portfolio of projects selected (not evaluating proposals) Reporting on progress to PC Monitoring, steering and portfolio adjustments Role in communication

Chairs of the Mission Boards Adaptation to Climate Change including Societal Transformation: Ms Connie Hedegaard Cancer: Prof Harald zur Hausen Healthy Oceans, Seas, Coastal and inland Waters: Mr Pascal Lamy Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities: Ms Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz Soil health and Food: Mr Cees Veerman

Steps towards the first Horizon Europe Strategic Plan and then the missions in the Work Programme Early involvement and exchanges with Member States, consultation with stakeholders and the public at large. Co-design via web-consultation (close on 8 September) and at the Research & Innovation Days 24 – 26 September. Establishment of Mission Boards Summer 2019 Autumn-winter 2019/2020 Extensive exchanges with the new European Parliament. Establishment of new Commission. Drafting the Strategic Plan including identification of missions by proposal of the Mission Boards 2020 Drafting of first Horizon Europe Work Programme on the basis of the Strategic Plan including the calls of the missions 2021 Start of Horizon Europe including the calls of the missions, as appropriate

Obrigado ! Research and innovation days, 24 – 26 September 2019