Your Grade Depends On It! The Notebook Your Grade Depends On It!
Getting Started… On OUTSIDE COVER, write U.S. HISTORY Write your first & last name in large, neat, print, on the FRONT INSIDE cover and your period. Notebooks that don’t have a name clearly written on the front inside cover will not be graded! Using pencil, number EVERY page of your notebook. Write the numbers on the TOP, OUTSIDE, CORNER of each page. Label the first 4 pages Table of Contents
Everything you do goes in your notebook! Keep ALL assignments You will be graded on your writing skills. Some assignments will be “checked” some will be “graded” If you are caught getting “help” in other words, copying someone else’s notebook – you BOTH will get 0! Your History Notebook goes under the “Practice” portion of your grade. Practice = 40%
Your Notebook is PRECIOUS! It must last all semester Remember, this is a long-term tool that will help you pass this class! Bring your Notebook to class everyday! You will get to use it on quizzes!!
Surprise! You won’t be given prior notice when your notebook is due. Don’t put off gluing in assignments or updating your Table of Contents. When I say, “Turn them in.” Turn them in! I will not wait for you to glue pages in!
More stuff to know… Keep your notebook in a binder Use the binder pockets to store assignments that haven’t been glued in yet Every page needs a lesson title that matches the Table of Contents “Starters” should generally be about a paragraph to a half page in length. NEVER go on to the next page if you run out of room…
It’s all about the glue! Fold pages neatly before they are glued in Only use glue sticks to glue!! (Clear tape is also acceptable.) Glue faces the spiral Don’t glue over the holes Only put glue on the top inch of the paper If an assignment is glued on the wrong page or incorrectly it’s a ZERO Once again, NEVER go on to the next page if you run out of room…