Effective Behaviour Change and Collective approaches to Waste Management
Presentation outline Bin Tagging – effective behaviour change Collective Approaches to Waste Management Governance Structures Procurement Advocacy
Bin Tagging – what’s the problem? Local Government provides a great range of services to households which aren’t necessarily used correctly. The focus of this Program is what households are putting in their waste and recycling bins.
Bin Tagging – what’s the problem?
What is the problem? Click to edit Master text styles
400 nappies per day at one Material Recovery Facility Click to edit Master text styles
Click to edit Master text styles
Click to edit Master text styles
Types of contamination Affects Processing Strapping Clothing Rope / cable / hose Needles / syringes Hazardous wastes and Aerosols Nappies Batteries Affects Safety Affects Quality
Bin Tagging – what’s the problem? Bin Tagging is a direct, household by household, intervention that helps to increase recycling and reduce contamination in the recycling bin. The Program uses a combination of tools – information, incentives and enforcement. It does this by providing direct feedback to people on their bin content. WALGA undertook a pilot Bin Tagging Program with the Cities of Joondalup and Kwinana and Town of Cambridge in 2014/15 and in 2015/16 rolled out Bin Tagging with the Shires of Capel and Pingelly, City of Cockburn an Joondalup and the Towns of Mosman Park and Bassendean. The year we are implementing bin Tagging with Kwinana, Collie, Armadale, Canning, Karratha, SMRC, Albany, Denmark and Plantagenet.
Bin Tags in action
General Waste Bin Tags
Recycling Bin Tags
Cannot Collect Bin Tags
Cannot Collect
Complaints You will get complaints Most complaints happen the first time the bin is tagged Very few, if any, complaints when the bin is taped The Program is intended to provide feedback to residents and help them to recycle more, the auditors are just having a quick look in the bin Sharing data and communication is vital – it will allow you to respond to the specific complaints This intervention aimed at changing people’s behavior - for some this won’t be possible, so other options need to be available.
Bin Tagging – Opportunity Offer – WALGA (working with LGANT) can potentially assist your Local Governments to implement the Bin Tagging Program, by providing: Artwork for the Bin Tags Training for staff Data capture templates Templates for communications Costs for Bin Tagging Staffing costs to undertake the bin tagging and data entry Printing of bin tags
Governance Structures Benefits of Collaboration for waste Economies of scale for procurement, developing facilities and undertaking community engagement Reduce duplication of effort and enhanced coordination Reduce resident confusion Different operating environment and increased focus Challenges of collaboration Collaboration – working together and agreeing to common goals Power balance with different sized Local Governments How the Governance works
Governance Structures Options: Voluntary/Regional Organisations of Councils (V/ROCs) Regional Councils Regional Subsidiaries Beneficial Enterprises
Governance Structures Example: Bunbury Harvey Regional Council City of Bunbury and Shire of Harvey Run a landfill, transfer station, household hazardous waste facility food organics and garden organics processing facility (with organic certification), successful waste education Program Provide FOGO processing and waste education assistance to 6 Local Governments in the region
Governance Structures
Governance Structures
WALGA Preferred Supplier Arrangements Tender exempt (for Local Government) Waste Specific contract terms Streamlined procurement Reduces procurement costs Centralised contract management eQuotes based audit trail
Current Waste Collection Goods & Services C002/11
PSA C002/11 Waste Collection Goods & Services Scope includes but is not limited to: Domestic Kerbside Waste, Recycling and Green Waste Collection Service Commercial Kerbside Waste and Recycling Collection Service Waste Collections from Public Place Bins and Reserves Verge Collection Services Community Public Events Waste and Recycling Collection
PSA C002/11 Waste Collection Goods & Services Scope includes but is not limited to: Disposal of Waste Transfer Station and Landfill Management Services Waste Related Communication - Customer Service Centre Provision and Waste Education Services Littering and Illegal Dumping Collection and Recycling/Disposal Reuse Shop Operation and Management Supply and Installation of Weighbridge Equipment and Software.
Mobile Garbage Bins, Industrial Containers & Bins, Static Compactors, Associated Products and Services NPN1.11-3
Environmental Consulting Services C015_15 Category: Waste Management Consulting and Audit Services
Engineering Consulting Services C037_16 Category: Waste Management Engineering
Hazardous and Emergency Event Services (HEES)
Hazardous and Emergency Event Services (HEES) A broad scope covering but not limited to: Confinement and containment to prevent spread Clean up including impacted soils, water, buildings and equipment Temporary storage, including construction of temp facilities if required Removal of hazardous waste from the incident site Transport of waste to a storage, treatment or disposal facility in accordance with regulatory requirements
Hazardous and Emergency Event Services (HEES) A broad scope covering but not limited to: Analysis of materials to identify chemicals present, and concentrations Treatment and disposal of removed materials Decontamination of site, buildings, infrastructure and equipment Sampling and testing to determine levels of residual contamination after clean up and decontamination Traffic control and security personnel and equipment to prevent vehicles and members of the public accessing contaminated areas.
Advocacy Opportunity – work together on common advocacy issues, though LGANT, WALGA and ALGA Some of the issues National Waste Policy Markets for Recycled Products Marine Debris
Indian Ocean Territories – Marine Debris Project
Indian Ocean Territories – Marine Debris Project
Indian Ocean Territories – Marine Debris Project
Indian Ocean Territories – Marine Debris Project In just 4 ½ days – at 5 locations 74,605 items 2,172.7 kg 1,063 lighters 361 toothbrushes 11,694 straws 2,307 drink bottles 1,243 personal cared items 6,272 lids 19,717 hard plastic fragments 2,143 cotton bud sticks 4,962 rubber fragments 4,122 flip flops