Designing an Efficient Council Tax Reduction Scheme Gary Layzell Universal Credit Implementation Manager Civica
Set Your Agenda Who wins these head to heads? Members vs Finance Officers Simplicity vs Fairness Cost of scheme vs Ability to collect Historic Benefits vs Welfare Reforms System Automation vs DWP Data Transfer (Match Postponed)
Multiple Opportunities Schemes still look like Council Tax Benefit Do you still see CTR as a welfare benefit? Are claim and controls procedures efficient? How does the current customer journey look? New Claims / Changes / Termination Volume and types of contact Actions that do not add value
Are Banded Schemes the Answer? Do they change the gateway? Do claimants know if they are moving between bands? Are UC issues resolved? Changes are still reported / processed Are debts any easier to collect? Banded schemes need other modifications to work effectively
The Universal Credit Conundrum Opportunity for change and show innovation Getting the timing rate UC has not finished changing Data transfer & Managing notifications Application process & changes Breaks in UC UC Income / Non-Deps / S-Emp / Capital
Do Changes Allow Efficient Processes? New Claims Entry points / Information for claimants Form design and questions Capital / Resident Adults / Income Definitions Changes Definition of a change Use of data / automation Notifications and customer contact Review Targeted reviews to manage error Savings can be made Impact on collection
There are costs to consider Changes to forms / letters / website Need to communicate changes Training Mistakes System configuration and capability Reputation Knock-on impacts
Summary Establish a 3 to 4 year roadmap Have clarity in what the scheme is designed to achieve Consider the customer journey Don’t be afraid Fundamental change is the future Say goodbye to Council Tax Benefit
Gary Layzell Universal Credit Implementation Manager Civica Email: Mobile: 07890 561738