Type 2 diabetes status for R1420H carriers and noncarriers. Type 2 diabetes status for R1420H carriers and noncarriers. A: Prevalence of type 2 diabetes shown in individuals grouped by their age at last exam. Numbers in parentheses indicate the number of subjects with diabetes (numerator) and total number of subjects (denominator) for each age-group. B: Type 2 diabetes cumulative incidence adjusted for sex, birth year, and ancestry (American Indian/European admixture based on genetic markers and self-reported fraction Pima Indian heritage). Mean onset age was calculated from the parameters of the Weibull model for an individual born in 1940, and the mean age for all other covariates was 45.0 years for R1420H and 52.1 years for R1420R. Leslie J. Baier et al. Diabetes 2015;64:4322-4332 ©2015 by American Diabetes Association