An Introduction to World Religions 2013-01-21
2013-01-21 Agenda Judaism Attendance Religion Today In the News In the Calendar Judaism
In the calendar Jan 18-25 Jan Mon 21 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (start) (Christian ) First celebrated in 1908. The days of 18-25 January (regardless of the days of the week involved) were originally chosen because they covered the days between the feast of St Peter and the feast of St Paul. Some churches and regions use a different week. Jan Mon 21 St Agnes (Christian ) Patron saint of girls, martyred at the age of 13. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday The birthday of civil rights activist Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is celebrated on the third Monday in January. visit the following websites for multifaith calendars and information about religious holidays: Center for Spiritual and Ethical Education Interfaith Calendar BBC Interfaith Calendar Multifaith Calendar National Conference for Community and Justice Interfaith Calendar Holidays and Festivals Anti-Defamation League Calendar of Observances
Religion in the News
Game Quizzes
Judaism Slides 21-36 What view of human nature and potential is reflected in the first three chapters of Genesis? What is meant by “Torah”? What role does “Torah” play in Judaism?
For Homework For Tuesday, 1:15 For Thursday, 12:15 For Monday, 11:15 Read Amos; Isaiah 1; 5; 11; 44-45; For Thursday, 12:15 Read Psalms 51; 92; 122 Read Making Sense Chapter 10: “Writing with Style” For Monday, 11:15 Read the next section “Judaism” in Living Religions Write “Quiz on Judaism 3” Guest Speaker: Dr. Michael Steinitz!