Porn driving Technology Chris Keezer
Who Am I? Biased Married with kids Been involved with teaching sessions about good sexual and personal relationships
Why Am I Here? To tell you about what is shaping the technology around us Harmless Fun
Porn industry finds backdoor to iPhone 4 Joel Schectman July Iphone 4 announced June 7, 2010 Porn industry are early adopters and shapers of technology Craigslist was marketing for models
What Now? August 13 th 2010 Marked the first iphone 4 sex chat service 2001Forbes Magazine Adult Check, CyberAge, CCBill, and Internet Billing Co. J. Christopher Mallick Amex
What's porn done for us? Camcorder VHS, DVD, now Blu Ray Streaming Video Payper view cable and Satellite tv Are the gains worth the losses?
Ethical implications 30% of college age males CARNES research average age at which children see porn 11 The occurrence of these sexual abnormalities has increased with the accessibility of pornographic material porn expanding rapidly Pornified Pamela Paul Jean Bethke Elshtain
Closing Remarks Iphone 4 and facetime porn All that is happening in the world of porn now What is it doing for us? How to we ethically respond?
Sources Aldridge, John, The dirty secret that drives new technology: it's porn, The Observer Sunday 3 March observerfocus observerfocus Carnes, Patrick, Out of the Shadows: Understanding Sexual Addiction Layden, Mary Anne, director of the Sexual Trauma and Psychopathology Program, Center for Cognitive Therapy, Department of Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania Lubove, Seth, See No Evil, Forbes Magazine, September 17, 2001 / 2001 / Patton, Eric, Internationally certified addictions specialist, specializing in sexual addictions Certified by The American academy of healthcare providers in the addictive disorders Schectman, Joel, Porn industry finds backdoor to iPhone 4 The Globe and Mail, Thursday, Jul. 29, industry-finds-backdoor-to-iphone-4/article /print/ industry-finds-backdoor-to-iphone-4/article /print/ The Witherspoon Institute The Social Costs of Pornography Dines, Gail, "Pornland How Porn Has Hijacked Our Sexuality":