Sigh and eupnea activity patterns in vitro and in silico.


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Presentation transcript:

Sigh and eupnea activity patterns in vitro and in silico. Sigh and eupnea activity patterns in vitro and in silico. A, Schematic representation of an in vitro transverse brainstem slice preparation isolating the pre-Bötzinger complex respiratory network (preBötC). Raw (upper trace) and integrated (bottom trace) preBötC activity recordings were obtained with an extracellular macro-electrode positioned at the surface of the slice. B1, Diagrams of sigh (left) and eupnea (right) network models. Except for parameter values for the ER capacity (λ), INaP, and Ih, the sigh and eupnea models are identical. Intracellular Ca2+ (top) and voltage (bottom) obtained for individual uncoupled compartments (gsyn = 0). Left and right panels show outputs for sigh and eupnea compartments, respectively. B2, Model with two compartments connected through an inhibitory synapse (blue) from eupnea to sigh and an excitatory synapse (red) from sigh to eupnea subpopulations. The difference in symbol thickness represents the difference in synaptic strength. Bottom trace shows the average voltage trace of the coupled model that is concomitantly generating sigh and eupnea bursts. Orange stars indicate sigh events. XII, Hypoglossal nucleus; io, inferior olive; na, nucleus ambiguus. Natalia Toporikova et al. eneuro 2015;2:ENEURO.0074-14.2015 ©2015 by Society for Neuroscience