Fall Plowing Drawing to Scale
Is this picture symmetrical or asymmetrical? What geometric shapes do you see? What organic shapes do you see? What is the center of interest?
What estimated fraction of the entire painting do you think the center field encompasses? What percentage?
1 2 3 4 5 6
Summarize What was easy? What was difficult? Are there any polygons in the painting?
What fraction? About 5 of 27 pieces 5/27 can be estimated at 5/25 5/25 can be simplified to 1/5. The center field encompasses about 1/5 of the entire painting.
What percent? Using the estimated fraction of 1/5, I know 1/5 = 20% The center field encompasses about 20% of the entire painting.
Larger or Smaller? Scale factor of 3? Scale factor of ½?