DRAMA & THEATRE STUDIES https://www.eduqas.co.uk/qualifications/drama-and-theatre/as-a-level/ Mr Crouch - Head of Drama and Theatre Studies Mr Jones - Teacher of Drama
COMPONENT 1 (20%) COMPONENT 2 (40%) Students will be expected to reinterpret a published play in the style of a drama practitioner. Students will be expected to perform an extract from a published play in a theatrical style and devise a piece of theatre in the style of a drama practitioner. COMPONENT 3 Students are required to study two complete texts and one extract from a third contrasting text. In Component 3, learners are given the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge, understanding and skills in interpreting texts for performance in a written examination. Learners will approach this component practically as an actor, designer and director, and as an informed member of a theatre audience. Students are required to view a minimum of two live theatre productions to inform their understanding.
12 TERM 1 TERM 2 TERM 3 13 PRACTITIONER STUDY A Stanislavski 10 lessons a fortnight. 3 Theory 7 Practical 12 TERM 1 TERM 2 TERM 3 PRACTITIONER STUDY A Stanislavski Frantic Assembly THEATRE THEORY Set text read through PRACTITIONER STUDY B Artaud Berkoff COMPONENT 1 Reinterpretation COMPONENT 3 Portfolio & Questions Portfolio, Questions & Mock COMPONENT 1 PERFORMANCE COMPONENT 2 Script & Style Exploration 13 Script & Devised COMPONENT 2 PERFORMANCE Exam Questions Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time COMPONENT 3 REVISION COMPONENT 3 FINAL EXAM
THE CURIOUS INCIDENT OF THE DOG IN THE NIGHT-TIME A-Level Set Texts https://www.ehdltd.co.uk/drama-key-stage-5/keystagefivedrama/key-stage-5.html SAVED MACHINAL THE CURIOUS INCIDENT OF THE DOG IN THE NIGHT-TIME optional EDWARD BOND SOPHIE TREADWELL SIMON STEPHENS (Methuen ISBN 978-0-413-31360-7) (NHB ISBN 978-1-85459-211-8) (Bloomsbury, ISBN: 978-1-4081-7335-0).
Which practical pathway? C1 & C2 (60%) ACTOR DESIGNER Voice Movement Characterisation Style Engagement Individual Contribution Costume (including hair and make-up) Lighting Sound Set and Props
Drama Practitioners? They must be an established theatrical professional. The working methods and techniques of the practitioner must be easily identified. Whilst it is acknowledged that the practitioner may incorporate a variety of techniques that can be associated with other practitioners, it will be universally accepted that the practitioner chosen has a distinct set of conventions that can be associated with their work.
Stanislavski The fourth wall Feeling of truth The magic ‘if’ Emotion memory Concentration of attention Intonation and pauses Restraint and control
Frantic Assembly Physical Theatre Use of Music Ensemble Work Lifts Chair Duets Round-by-Through
Berkoff Stylised Movements Direct Address Exaggerated Vocal Work Tableau Ensemble Minimalism Exaggerated and stylised mime
ARTAUD Theatre of cruelty Movement/Gesture/ Dance Shocking the audience Attack on the emotions Noises/Screams Symbolic Objects
You will need to log in with an account to view
Analysis of Live Theatre
RESEARCH THE PRACTITIONER BY FIRST LETTER OF YOUR SURNAME Drama Summer Task Task 1 Reach a practitioner exploring background, techniques associated and 2 productions they have influenced or created. 2 SIDES OF A4, CAN INCLUDE IMAGES. Task 2 Watch this production of “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time” and write a review. 3-4 paragraphs detailing one of the following elements in different scenes: RESEARCH THE PRACTITIONER BY FIRST LETTER OF YOUR SURNAME A-E F-L M-R S-Z STANISLAVSKI ARTAUD BERKOFF FRANTIC ASSEMBLY ACTING COSTUME LIGHTING & SOUND SET & PROPS
DRAMA KIT Plain Black Top Plain Black Bottoms No Shoes No Socks POLO (Drama Polo/Hoodie Optional) Plain Black Bottoms (Trackies/Shorts/Leggins) No Shoes No Socks (Dance footwear is allowed) POLO HOODIE £18 £26
Don’t forget to follow us on: FACEBOOK https://en-gb.facebook.com/CCCSDRAMA/ YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtz4ikOce-3aEcjo9yJeLqg
Places will be offered to: A-Level Drama Students DRAMA ON TOUR! 2020 Places will be offered to: A-Level Drama Students A-level Music Students A-Level Art Students Sixth-form students that show a keen interest and commitment to creative extra-curricular activities/events (School production, choir etc) With 53,232 performances of 3,398 shows in 300 venues in 2020 there are quite literally thousands of reasons to visit the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. Every year thousands of performers take to hundreds of stages all over Edinburgh to present shows for every taste. From big names in the world of entertainment to unknown artists looking to build their careers, the festival caters for everyone and includes theatre, comedy, dance, physical theatre, circus, cabaret, children's shows, musicals, opera, music, spoken word, exhibitions and events. During August: 4 Days in Edinburgh Attend 2-3 shows a day as a group (free time to experience the festival) Put on a street performance on the final day https://www.edfringe.com/ Prices and Dates will be confirmed in September