Pine City Schools Pine City Schools Early Childhood Our Mission To educate the WHOLE child MIND & HEART Pine City Schools Early Childhood Our Mission To educate the WHOLE child MIND & HEART
So adorable So……. Why do we need a social-emotional framework in pre-k Why does this matter? Increase in challenging behaviors Behaviors interrupting education Staff Burnout
National Study National Study A national study of state-funded early childhood programs indicated the expulsion rate of preschoolers is 3 times higher than elementary and secondary students due the challenging behaviors (Hemmeter, Snyder, Fox, & Algina, 2016).
Why……. US Dept of Health & Human Services & US Dept of Ed federal spotlight on expulsion growing concern for social, emotional, behavioral health, and development at the early childhood level (Hemmeter et al., 2016; Taylor, Oberle, Durlak &Weissberg, 2017; U.S. Department of Health & Human Services and U.S. Department of Education, 2015; Vihn, Strain, Davidon, & Smith, 2016).
Why……. recent studies indicate the problem may not reside in the skills of the preschoolers but in the ability of early childhood provider to competently and confidently prevent and address challenging behaviors (Patten & Newhart, 2018; Vihn et al., 2016).
Pyramid Model Innovations - year 2 Our Mission To educate the WHOLE child MIND & HEART Hexagon tool Is there enough buy-in Is there enough administrative support
Government agencies working together MN Center of Excellence MN Department of Education Government agencies working together Pine City Public Schools Early Childhood
Government agencies working together Scale UP EC Classrooms Childcare Government agencies working together Kindergarten MN Center of Excellence MN Department of Education Departments working together Pine City Public Schools
A tiered System Our Mission To educate the WHOLE child MIND & HEART As you start moving up the Pyamid -
Action Plans EC Classrooms Childcare Kindergarten lence MN Department of Education Plans Pine City Public Schools
Training Tiers of training Online webinars E-modules Coaching training T-pot training
Tier 1 Universal Strategies
Building relationships with families & students
Data Collection Plan - Do - Study - Act Behavior Incident Reports Benchmarks of Quality Action Plans Plan - Do - Study - Act
Benchmarks of Quality Leadership Team Staff Buy-in Family Involvement Program-Wide Expectations Strategies for Teaching Expectations All classrooms Adopting Pyramid Model Procedures for responding to Challenging Behaviors Staff Support Plan Monitoring Outcomes
MN Department of Education Benchmarks of Quality EC Classrooms Childcare Action Kindergarten lence MN Department of Education Plans
Behavior Incidents BIRS
BIRS DATA Quotations are commonly printed as a means of inspiration and to invoke philosophical thoughts from the reader.
Why collect BIRS Behavior Incident Reports Preparation Need for Professional Development Why collect BIRS Look for Patterns In behavior In the environment Planning For challenging behaviors Changes in the environment Behavior Incident Reports
Data Process Look Think Act More incidents in a certain area? Ideas
If you can PREDICT it You can PREVENT it! ~Hope Coaching webinar
If you can PREDICT it You can PREVENT it! ~Hope Coaching webinar
Equal vs Equitable
Equal vs Equitable
Phil Strain’s Pickle Escape Plan Increased Outcomes Multiplaiction Increased Outcomes
Family Involvement Ripple Effect Ripple effect Supporting parents 50% Ripple Effect Ripple effect Supporting parents to help support their children Zero to Three
We teach Solutions Magnets - Ideas for dispursing? More posters in hall Tv monitor for updates
Visual Schedule
Feelings check in
Feelings Check in
Visual Schedule
SCHEDULEs To the 3rd Power What are the steps in Welcome? Question of the day Hang up Backpack Wash hands Departure SCHEDULEs To the 3rd Power What are the steps in wash hands???? Line up Song of the day Movement 5 day read aloud Schedule Within the Schedule Depending on the size of the class, 2-5 kids will not comprehend all of the components And when they are off task….. They WILL bring friends with thim We are out numbered, we NEED to use the environment to help guide the kids Task analysis to break down routines What does this mean i.e. line up predictability is key But predictability is NOT monotonous Predictability does not mean doing the same thing every day Need a balance between novelty & consistency For some kids, you might have to break down skills to the 5th power
Mini schedule to build independence & engagement Example of schedule Creates peers as the teacher
Flexible Seating
The Goal: Transdisciplinary Classrooms When you walk into a classroom, can you tell who is the “teacher” Is every adult actively engaged? Is everyone actively taking data? Are we working in zones?
Research to Practice Matching professional development to needs of staff
Goal OUR Goal: Creating an environment where EVERY child feels good about coming to school
Want big impact? Use big image. Team from Prek to high school has been attending monthly trainings for a shift to “Marzano” evaluation Marzano Training
Tips for challenging behaviors Close proximity a calm voice Breathe & model calming strategies Restate expectations Reinforce schedule
Circle Time Bathroom SCHEDULE Snack time Within the Schedule JPA
Focus on teaching children what Teachings Goal: Focus on teaching children what TO DO
Explicit Feedback Is not just “good job”
Design an environment that promotes child engagement OUR Goal: Design an environment that promotes child engagement
What’s it like for the kid! Wonders Wonders Wonder…….. What’s it like for the kid! I wonder what it is like for (Alex) when his name is said so many times I wonder how (Michael) feels in circle time
Tier 2 Working in small groups Interventions
To build confidence in young children
I can think of solutions! Problem Solvers I can think of solutions!
What are the reinforcers Caution What are the reinforcers
Increase ability to communicate emotions Communication Increase ability to communicate emotions
Increase ability to listen to instructions Listening Increase ability to listen to instructions
Learn to control Anger & Impulse
Expectations and Routines Goal: Teaching Expectations & Routines
Behavior Incident Reports BIRs Behavior Incident Reports
Schedules Routines Transitions Stability Routines Stability Transitions Stability
Teaching replacement behaviors Goal: Teaching Replacement Behaviors for challenging behaviors
Want big impact? Use big image.
Want big impact? Use big image.
Effective Workforce Nurturing & Responsive Relationships ------ Nurturing & Responsive Relationships ----- High Quality Supportive Environment -----
Action Plans Goal Steps to complete Timeline
Goal prevention not punishment
Promotion Prevention Intervention Teaching to all students Prevention Setting up success Intervention A little extra TLC
Calming Strategies Calm mind Calm body
Building relationships Teachers…. Support Staff… & Administration Teamwork Building relationships Teachers…. Support Staff… & Administration
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