Verb Synopsis form… for now o/m i I 2s s isti You 3s t it S/he/it 1pl mus imus We 2pl tis istis 3pl nt erunt They Verb Synopsis form… for now Principal parts (4): ________, __________, ________, __________ Meaning:____________ Conjugation #:______ Person/#:_____ Latin Form English Meaning How to form Present 1st pp for 1s; 2pp – re + ending Imperfect Add a “ba” before the ending; for 3rd conj, change “i” and “u” to eba; 4th, add “eba” Perfect 3rd pp – i + perfect ending Pluperfect Change perfect ending to eram, etc. Imperative (if it’s 2nd person) Imperatives – 2pp-re = Verb! (singular) Singular + te = Verb! (plural) (e=>i in 3rd cj Exceptions: dic, duc, fac, fer (Negative imperatives are noli/nolite + 2nd principal part as two words, and mean “don’t verb”)