VOEvent client software THE US NATIONAL VIRTUAL OBSERVATORY VOEvent client software Matthew J. Graham Caltech IVOA - Victoria: Applications 2 16 May 2006
IVOA - Victoria: Applications 2 What is VOEvent? Standard information packet for representing, transmitting, archiving and publishing both the discovery and follow-up of an (immediate) astronomical event IVOA - Victoria: Applications 2 16 May 2006
IVOA - Victoria: Applications 2 VOEvent structure <VOEvent> <Who> - Author identification <What> - Event characterization <WhereWhen> - Space-time coordinates <How> - Instrument configuration <Why> - Initial scientific assessment <Citations> - Follow-up observations <Description> - Human-oriented content <References> - External content </VOEvent> IVOA - Victoria: Applications 2 16 May 2006
VOEvent infrastructure Author responsible for the scientific content Publisher validates XML and assigns identifier Subscriber receives events Repository persists events and supports querying of events IVOA - Victoria: Applications 2 16 May 2006
IVOA - Victoria: Applications 2 Clientware Authoring Form-based interface to construct packet Publishing Command line validation Online validation: form- and service-based Subscribing Event clients: TCPV, Jabber; C/C++, Perl, Java, Python Querying Form-based interface Inferencing IVOA - Victoria: Applications 2 16 May 2006
IVOA - Victoria: Applications 2 Links IVOA VOEvent http://www.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/IvoaVOEvent Sourceforge http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/voevent/ VOEventNet http://voeventnet.caltech.edu IVOA - Victoria: Applications 2 16 May 2006