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Understanding the present is the key to understanding the past Principle of Uniformitarianism Understanding the present is the key to understanding the past
Absolute Dating Relative Dating Describing the Past Absolute Dating Relative Dating
Geologic Profile
Relative Dating Rules Principal of Superposition – Older sedimentary rock layers are found below younger sedimentary rock layers.
Inclusions Inclusions are older than the areas they are included in.
Igneous Intrusion/Cross Cutting Younger than the rocks they intrude or cut across.
Must be younger than the rocks they actually break. Faults Must be younger than the rocks they actually break.
Must have happened after the rocks they folded were deposited. Folds Must have happened after the rocks they folded were deposited.
Unconformity A period of erosion or non-deposition. Marked by a surface exposed to weathering and erosion.
Relative Dating