Themes to Korea’s History


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Presentation transcript:

Themes to Korea’s History Harrison and Ned


What are some themes? Not small Not new Many inventions Passion for Nature Confucian Not China Not a Hermit Cannot ignore

When does Korea’s history begin? Paleolithic/ Neolithic

Neolithic 5000-1000 BCE What is new? What is unique?

Bronze and Its Uses:1500-300BCE

When do the first Polities appear? Ancient Chosŏn Puyŏ Samhan

Does China influence? Nangnang/Lolang Chinese commandery Impact on peninsula Collapse Significance

What are the Three Kingdoms? Koguryŏ Paekche Silla (Kaya)

Koguryŏ Until 668 Cultural heritage Chinese claims Korean claims Another view

Paekche 18 BCE- 661 artistic

Silla 57 BCE–10th century Location Distance from China Southern location

Comparisons Koguryŏ Paekche Silla 34 BCE 18 BCE 57 BCE 50 BCE–50 CE 1st c 2nd c 150 CE 3rd c 4th c 4th c 4th c 6th c

What about Kaya? Naktong River Valley Trade Center Six “tribes” Mimana?

Three Kingdoms

Why does Silla Unify? Location Governmental structure Kolp’um Hwarang

Buddhism Unification Wŏngwang Wŏnhyo

Why Not Paekche?

What are some Highlights of Silla? Kolp’um order Aristocratic Buddhist

High Culture Artistic Literary Cult of beauty

What is Parhae? Buffer State Tension with Silla North/South

What explains the Fall of Silla? Confucian historiography How unified? Classic collapse?

Koryŏ (918–1392)

What are Koryo’s Three Periods?

What was Koryo like? Aristocratic Bureaucratic Silla legacy Education Institutions Bureaucratic

Were there internal challenges? Yi Chagyŏm Myoch’ŏng Military Coup

Foreign Contacts China Khitans Jurchen Mongols Japan

Koryŏ: More than a Vase Examinations Schools Governmental structure


Buddhism Son Beliefs



Tripitaka Haeinsa Temple 81,000 woodblocks


Korea, the name

How many more dynasties?Choson 1392- 1910 Modern boundaries Capital, Seoul Last dynasty

Was it a Confucian State? Confucianism Harmony Filial Piety Loyalty Neo-Confucianism MetaphysiccalView Yangban society

What was the role of Women? Confucian Norms Loss of Rights inheritance

What was the Imjin War? Hideyoshi 1592-1598 Yi Sunsin Aftermath

And did the Manchus Invade also? 1627, 1636 Qing Dynasty 1644-1912

Did Korea survive? Sirhak (Practical Learning) 17th, 18th Centuries Good Government Peasant Livelihood Technology Study of Korea

What is the Cultural Heritage? Hangul Punch’ong Ware Genre Painting Architecture Verse Music, Dance

Nineteenth Century Child Kings Regencies Hereditary Families Maternal Families Hereditary Families

1850s East Asian Challenges Internal Unrest Coming of the West China Japan

James Palais Korea’s uniqueness?