Edexcel A Level Gov.and Politics Year 13 – Second year at a glance Autumn term – September 2019 - October 2019 Edexcel A Level Gov.and Politics Year 13 – Second year at a glance Spring term January 2020-April 2020 Global Politics (paper 3) option unit 3B Global politics gives students an opportunity to develop an understanding of the local, national, international and global dimensions of political activity. Global politics encourages discussion and debate and requires students to study and present different global perspectives, as well as interpreting competing and contestable claims. The key mainstream perspectives on global politics are liberalism and realism, and students will be expected to understand how these perspectives are applied throughout all elements of the qualification. Content: The state and globalisation The state: nation-state and of national sovereignty Globalisation. The process of globalisation. Debates about the impact of globalisation. Content: Global governance: human rights and environmental. Human rights origins and development of international law and institutions. Environmental-the role and significance of the United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change. Regionalism and EU The different forms-Debates about the reasons for and significance of regionalism. Development of regional organisations, excluding the EU. Power and developments Different types of power-state power classification. Polarity-Changing nature of world order since 2000. Different systems of government. The ways and extent to which the changing relationships and actions of states in relation to power and developments address and resolve contemporary global issues, such as involving conflict, poverty, human rights and the environment. Key dates Internal Mock exam – February 2020 External exams June 2020 External Assessment Paper 1 -Assessed 2 hour written exam 84marks 33.3% of A-level Questions Section A:2X 30 mark question. (1 Source base question) Section B: 1X24 mark core political ideas. Paper 2 -Assessed 2 hour written exam 84 marks 33.3% of A-level Questions: section A: 2X source base Section B 1X 24 mark question. Non core political ideas Paper 3 -Assessed 2 hour written exam 84 marks 33.3% of A-level Spring term October 2019-January 2020 Content: Comparative theories (Paper 3 ) – unit 3B Main ideas of realism- International anarchy and its implications. Main ideas of liberalism-Possibility of harmony and balance The division between realism and liberalism Main idea of the anarchical society and society of states theory. An evaluation of the extent to which realism and liberalism explain recent developments in global politics (case studies) Internal assessment How will I be assessed? a) Revisit AS units -regular essay questions will be set and marked b) Regular in class assessment (second year units) after every sub topic-extended writing c)Regular prep work and revision tasks set and checked d)Internal mocks will assess first year (old) and second year (new) units