DRAFT ZONING ORDINANCE Elkhart County Goshen College Sound of the Environment October 2, 2013
County Commission Draft Adopted Ordinance Kick Off Policy Discussions Critique Module Drafting (review by Policy and Tech Committees) Consolidated Draft Plan Commission Draft County Commission Draft Adopted Ordinance
ZONING ORDINANCE BASICS Laws that implement the policies of the Comprehensive Plan Permits Platting Zoning Comprehensive Plan Compliance with specific standards Subdivision of land, public infrastructure Land use, impacts, community character Big picture policies, goals and objectives
ZONING ORDINANCE BASICS Zoning regulates The private use of land Permitted, Limited, Special, Prohibited Specific Use Standards Rules for nonconforming uses The impacts of land use on other private and public properties Setbacks, Height, Lot Coverage, Bulk Buffers and Screening Driveways Community character Landscaping Signs Parking Residential Density Exterior Building Materials
ZONING ORDINANCE BASICS A Zoning Ordinance is not… Subdivision Regulations. Development standards related to streets, utilities, sidewalks, and subdivision of land are in the Subdivision Control Ordinance. Property Tax Policy. It will not raise or lower the County’s property tax rate. Annexation Policy. Annexation of land is more closely related to a Town or County comprehensive plan. Capital Improvements Program. It does not set policy for the extension or improvement of public infrastructure. Building Code. A building code regulates how structures are built to ensure their future structural soundness and safety.
ZONING AND SUSTAINABILITY Allow green uses “by right” Give bonuses for green enhancements Incentivize conservation of open areas Create places for social interaction Promote public health Allow mixing of uses People Planet Recognize market forces Facilitate doing the right thing Enhance economic development Profit
ZONING AND SUSTAINABILITY People Create places for social interaction Promote public health Allow mixing of uses subject to limitations Copyright © 2008 New Designs for Growth
ZONING AND SUSTAINABILITY Planet Allow green uses “by right” Give bonuses for green enhancements Incentivize conservation of open areas
ZONING AND SUSTAINABILITY Profit Recognize market forces Facilitate doing the right thing Enhance economic development
Contact bmabry@elkhartcounty.com Elkhartcountyplanninganddevelopment.com http://bit.ly/VmkgXg Spring Intern
How can the Zoning Ordinance reflect sustainable values? Discussion How can the Zoning Ordinance reflect sustainable values?