Sussex County Health Coalition– Quarterly Meeting Together We Win. Sussex County Health Coalition– Quarterly Meeting Schlonn Hawkins January 17, 2019
Stronger United Transformation to Collective Impact 2005-2010 2010 - 2015 2016 - 2019 STRONGER UNITED is the advancement of the movement toward collective impact through UWD thought-leadership; advancement of strategic investment; focus on 8 Promise Communities in need and our 3 Strategic areas. LiveUnited 2015 initiated the first steps toward collective impact lead by the development and delivery of strategic initiatives. Product development growth during this period was significant. Prior to 2005, UWD was a funding organization. LiveUnited 2010 put a stake in the ground for UWD and we began the evolution to community impact
We’re Tightening Our Focus Three Strategic Focus Areas Reading By the End of Third-Grade College & Career Readiness Financial Stability & Empowerment Promise Communities Wilmington Eastside Wilmington Westside South Bridge & Route 9 Corridor SW of Bear and Central NCCo Dover North South of Dover / Felton Seaford / Bridgeville / Laurel Georgetown
SHORT-TERM AND LONG-TERM PERSPECTIVE Framework SHORT-TERM AND LONG-TERM PERSPECTIVE Developing Exposing Practicing Applying It starts with a understanding of the landscape, not just from a formal school setting, but from the continuum of an individuals development. 0-10 yrs. 11-14 yrs. 15-20 yrs. 21 yrs. & Up 4
Outcomes Matter ACCOMPLISHING OUTCOMES TODAY ACHIEVES OUTCOMES TOMORROW #College Prepared #Career Prepared #In Mid-Skill Jobs #Families Financially Empowered #School-Ready #Screened #Registered on Time #Reading on 3rd Grade Level #In Pathways #With AP Credits #Graduating On Time #In after-school # Being Mentored #Exploring College & Career Developing Exposing Practicing Applying Note: All data/initiatives derived from Delaware’s Promise Communities.
Why Reading on Grade-Level Matters Transition from Learning-To-Read, to Reading-To-Learn Low achievement in reading = - Struggle with academics - Less likely to graduate high school - Lower earning potential - Growing gap of skilled workers NEW, BOLD PLAYS Focus Strategies/Advocacy in Promise Communities Dual-Generation Strategies Align/Integrate Best Practices - Bright Start! - Parents As Teachers - Reading Assist, Read Aloud - Make Summer Smarter Parent & Family Engagement WHAT WE ARE DOING NOW Get Delaware Reading a.k.a Delaware’s Campaign for Grade-Level Reading Get Delaware Reading Wilmington Help Me Grow My Very Own Library (MVOL) 6
3rd Grade Reading Scores All Students Low Income Students* 52.1% 37.0% State of Delaware 47.5% 36.7% Promise Communities 19.0% 16.3% City of Wilmington *Low Income status is determined if the student receives Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and/or Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) from DHSS. 7
Problems Too Complex For One Organization and Industry—Need to Think Differently
Delaware’s Campaign for Grade-Level Reading Improving 3rd Grade Reading Delaware’s Campaign for Grade-Level Reading School Readiness | Chronic Absences | Summer Learning Loss National Network 44 States, 300 communities Cadre of Best Practices Delaware Launched October 2017 Alignment with state Literacy Plan This initiative is championed by United Way of Delaware, Delaware State Board of Education, Delaware Department of Education, and many other partners. 9
Improving 3rd Grade Reading in Wilmington Moving 125 Wilmington children from 19% to 29.5% in 5 years to 51.9% in 8 years. Multi-year two generational initiative Engaging 500 children and families over 5 years Key implementation partners include Parent as Teachers, Nemours’ BrightStart!, Delaware Association for the Education of Young Children, DOE, and Christina School District. 10 early learning programs at 13 sites to include Stubbs and Bancroft Elementary Schools 10
Improving 3rd Grade Reading in Sussex and Kent County 53% 39% Sussex County STATEWIDE MOVEMENT 11
Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. Community Support There’s Room for You. Partnerships to better prepare our youth. Your Organization! Jessie Ball DuPont SEEDS OF GREATNESS BIBLE CHURCH Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. -H. Keller