de las Víctimas con Discapacidad Sexual Abuse on PwID Prevention Mr. Leonardo Montenegro Colombia Inclusión de las Víctimas con Discapacidad February 2019
Background (1) General Information Total Population: 45.5 millions (2018) Poverty: 12,8 millions 27% (WB methodology) In 2011 Colombia ratified the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) In 2016 the Committee (CRDP-UN) gives an assessment and worries about the high level of violence, particularly against women and girls with disabilities. When compared to women and girls without disability, those with disability are 10 times more likely to suffer violence. The girls with intellectual disabilities are particularly vulnerable to sexual abuse. According to the Institute of Forensic Science and Legal Medicine, in 2015 22.155 assessments were done for suspected sexual abuse (19.181, 86% corresponding to under 18 age). According to a studio made in 2017 by Action Program for equality and social inclusion-PAIIS, the families and caregivers are the main sexual offenders of PwID. 57% of the cases were sexual abuse. (181 of out 314 PwID). 60 % of the cases were under 18 age. (108 of out 181 PwID) PwD: 3 million, 6.4% (Census 2005) PwD: 7 million, 15% (Estimated WHO) The services for PwD are based in physical aspects or with regard to deficiencies, without include other fields as education, employment and empowerment. (more evident en rural areas).
Situation Analysis (1) Strength of society: Strong legal framework on rights PwD and children Opportunity Some services are available for early intervention in rural and remote areas. Updating Childhood and Adolescent Public Policy 2020-2030. Weakness of society: Not enough capability on the family environment, poverty, violent context, (particulary as a result of forced displacement). The PwD still have not been clearly identified, not only about their characteristics, but their needs as well. 18% of the population are victims of armed conflict 8.167.230 2.8% are PwD (235.270) It doesn’t matter if the disability was acquired before, during or after victimizing situations have happened.
Situation Analysis (2) Weakness of PWD (PWID) field Negative perception about PwID (Stigma). Threat : Most children with disabilities are not included in health or education services, are discriminated in their communities and suffering cycle of violence and poverty. (UNFPA) Behaviors and attitudes conscious or unconscious that express exclusion and discrimination are deeply embedded in the culture.
High level on children abuse Situation Analysis (3) High level on children abuse Poverty, violent context, (As a result of forced displacement). Discriminatory behaviors and attitudes Lack of social mechanisms to protect children Not inclusion in health and education services. Lack of knowledge on rights of children and PwD in the society Lack of actions to prevent on children abuse Naturalization of violence Low recognition on the rights of children and PwD within families There is not an specific approach to PwD High level of Impunity on sexual abuse complaint There are measures that substitud the will of PwID Civilian population suffered of siege by armed actors Difficult understanding about PwID
Sexual Abuse Prevention Target Area: Caparrapí (Cundinamarca Departament) Total of Population: 16.732 Total victims armed conflict: 3.063 Total victims of forced displacement: 92% Target Population: PwD: 254 (under-reported) 60% have been characterized Long term objective: Municipality free of violence against children with and without disability. Short term objective: Provide community protection mechanisms for children, especially children and teenagers wID. Period: 1 years
Advisors – Victims Policy What to do? Adjust Service for children Ac1. To prepare a proposal approach to include PwD/PwID into the policy St1. To impact in the childhood and adolescent policy updating process Advisors – Victims Policy Ac2. Lead the discussion with entities involved Ac1. Social mapping (PwD/PwID) St2. To include PwID/PwD approach properly (Mobil Units) Ac2. Approach to families (PwD/PwID) Sexual abuse prevention on children Ac3. Semi-structered interview (PwD/PwID) Ac4. Individual Action Plan. (PwD/PwID) St3. To involve the community on careing for children Ac1. Community meetings to increase knowledge on PwD´ rights (Social Model, Good practices, capabilities, PwD/PwID) Ac2. Children risk mapping Ac3. To develop activities to protect PwD/PwID
Resources / Risks Strategy Activities Resource Risk S1 Ac1. To prepare a proposal approach to include PwD/PwID into the policy Team Unit for the Victims / Leonardo That the updating process does not include a PwID approach. Ac2. Lead the discussion with entities involved S2 Ac1. Social mapping (PwD/PwID) Team ICBF (Anthropologist, social worker, phycologist, nutritionist) That the number of people displaced increases because of armed conflict, exceeding the capacity of the team. Ac2. Approach to families (PwD/PwID) Ac3. Semi-structered interview (PwD/PwID) That PwID have severe communication restriction Ac4. Individual Action Plan. (PwD/PwID) S3 Ac1. Community meetings to increase knowledge on PwD´ rights (Social Model, Good practices, capabilities, PwD/PwID) Ac2. Children risk mapping Team ICBF (Anthropologist, social worker, phycologist, nutritionist,) Unwillingness to participate Ac3. To develop activities to protect PwD/PwID Unwillingness to become protective agent
Resources / Risks Month Mar May Apr Jun Jul Ago Sep Oct Dic Jan Feb Killer Assumption Way to solve Strategy 1 (Method) Activity 1, 2 That the updating process does not include a PwID approach. / Adjust only the method after updating the Policy P. in charge Leonardo / Team Unit for victims Budget No coast, meetings Strategy 2 (Method) Activity 1, 2, 3, 4 Number of families exceed the capacity of the team / Extend the work of the team in the municipalities Team ICBF The service to children already exist / Not additional cost Strategy 3 (Method) Activity 1, 2, 3 Could mean more time of implementation / Extend the work of the team in the municipalities Monitoring (When, What) Evaluate with the community and children / Increase interlocution PwD-PwID.
¡Thank you!