Week of October 9,2017 10/9- No School 10/12- Report Cards Email: ademel@elkhartisd.org Phone: 903-764-2979 Conference M -T - F- 2:30-3:15 W -Th -8:05-8:50 Week of October 9,2017 10/9- No School 10/12- Report Cards 10/20- Fire Escape Route Due (Health Grade) 10/20-Homecoming 10/20-Homecoming Elementary Parade 8:30 a.m. 10/23-27-Red Ribbon Week Dress Up Days MONDAY- (WEAR RED, WHITE AND BLUE) TUESDAY- (PICK A FRIEND AND DRESS ALIKE) WEDNESDAY-( NO PARTICULAR DRESS DAY) THURSDAY- (WEAR ALL RED) FRIDAY-(DRESS AS A SUPER HERO OR A SOLDIER) 10/30- Progress Reports 10/31- Halloween Dress Up Day Parade 8:30 a.m. Language Arts and Reading- In spelling we will focus on long a, using ai and ay. We will be character/setting/plot, consonant blends, context clues, and reading maps. Math- We will continue Unit 4. In this unit we will be working on placing numbers 1-1,200 on a number line and comparing numbers 1-1,200. Science-Earth and Space Social Studies- Community Helpers, Government, and Christopher Columbus. Health-Safety and Drug Prevention I am so proud of my class! Their behavior at both programs we attended this week was FABULOUS! They played well at both parks as well! We are starting a new grading period on Tuesday, 10/10/17. I will send home report cards on Thursday. Please sign and return these on or before 10/17/17. We are beginning to enter into a very BUSY time of year for everyone at school, work, and home. Please make sure and look for dates that I place in our newsletter. Also, please read all notes and information that comes from the Elementary office and school district. On 10/10/17, I will be sending home a piece of manila paper and instructions about drawing the floorplan of the inside of your home, and the escape routes you would use in case of a fire. This is one-sixth of your students Health grade. This is meant to be a family project. It will be due on October 20th. I will be sending home a separate note about Red Ribbon Week that gives the reasoning for each of the dress up days. http://es.elkhartisd.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=537244&type=u