Thesis Module Overview Python 2 Thesis Support All Users: Thesis Module Overview
Overview of Python 2 Python 2 Thesis Support Improves awareness Saves time and increases accuracy Improves transparency and information availability Improves command responsiveness and impact Thesis Proposal Forms and Thesis Release and Approval Forms created and routed online Ensures consistency throughout First 8 Pages of thesis (all metadata generated from Python—includes title, author, advisors, SF298) 1
Data: not new, just consolidated and more accessible Python 2 Thesis Support Data: not new, just consolidated and more accessible Why a Thesis Module? Improve awareness Requirements • Due dates • Thesis status Save time and increase accuracy Eliminate re-keying and redundancy across campus Present with fewer metadata errors in forms and First 8 Pages Send auto-notifications and links for pending approvals Provide online form creation and approval routing Generate library’s metadata; faster publication of theses Generate and send publication announcements Generate diplomas 2
Data: not new, just consolidated and more accessible Python 2 Thesis Support Data: not new, just consolidated and more accessible Improve transparency and information availability Thesis status: stages in-progress, finalized, extensions Easy access to Thesis file-sharing site: Department and student: Proposal body; Final-Draft’s first 8 pages and body TPO and student: Initial Draft body, Final-Draft’s first 8 pages and body Improve command responsiveness and impact Research in-progress for education advisors, leadership, visitors, and sponsors Publication announcement emails possible to broader, standardized lists that departments and services will control 3
Data: not new, just consolidated and more accessible Python 2 Thesis Support Data: not new, just consolidated and more accessible Procedural Changes Forms Thesis Proposal Forms created and routed online, not as front matter to proposal content Thesis Release and Approval Forms created and routed online Capstone Assessment Forms part of advisors’ final approval Thesis Template Seven unique templates First 8 Pages of thesis generated by Python—Cover, SF-298, Title Page, Abstract Distribution statements compiled by Python and placed in First 8 Pages Students submit two final docs: 1) First 8 Pages and 2) body in Word template or LaTeX Added “LaTeX” 4
Python 2 Thesis Support THESIS-RELATED MENU ITEMS 5 Updated to reflect current views 5
Python 2 Thesis Support POWERFUL SEARCH AND SORT 6
Document Creation and Approvals Python 2 Thesis Support DASHBOARD SECTIONS Student Profile Basics: name, service, curric, program Thesis Data Advisors Thesis partners Title Abstracts Keywords Relevancy topics Thesis-specific publication announcement list File-sharing Site active link Proposal content Final-draft content Requirements Status Milestones and due dates Progress markers Educ Advisors can edit Document Creation and Approvals Thesis Proposal Form (TPF) Draft Chapter Coversheets First 8 Pages of Thesis Thesis Release and Approval Form (TRAF) (with capstone assessment) Security / Compliance Requirements Classification and distro statement Compliance issues that impact timeline (optional) 7
Python 2 Thesis Support Student Profile 8 Made this a static screen shot. Separate images shift. 8
Python 2 Thesis Support Requirements Status 9 Milestone Due Dates are set by: Academic Council Departments / Curricula Change these due dates on dashboard for individual students Change due date offsets for all students in a curriculum via “Thesis Due Dates” under the Educ Advisor Python menu tree Thesis Processing Office 9
Python 2 Thesis Support Thesis Data 10 Systems Engineering and Systems Engineering Analysis Capstone Reports SE Capstones: Up to 18 authors; same thesis ID number SEA Capstones: Up to 25 authors; same thesis ID number Order authors for display on final thesis Cover Page and Title Page Select Lead Editor for display on Title Page All advisors are listed as Project Advisors on Cover and Title Pages (order based on role assigned on dashboard with advisor before co-advisor before second reader) 10
Thesis Data, con’t n/a is okay 11
Python 2 Thesis Support Security and Compliance 12 Distribution and Classification: 85% unlimited distribution 12% restricted (CUI) 3% classified “On file” means it’s classified 12
Python 2 Thesis Support Security and Compliance, con’t 13
Python 2 Thesis Support Documents and Forms 13 Document Creation and Routing Brian Flick for TPF and Draft Coversheets (to show TRAF in progress) 13
Python 2 Thesis Support Documents and Forms, con’t ☒ 3 and 4 14 Student Name 3 and 4 ☒ Paul Andrews for TPF 14
Python 2 Thesis Support On to Graduation! 15
Python 2 Thesis Support For additional information and guidance, consult the TPO website at help For support, contact Thesis Processing: 16