Managing People: Essay Guidance 2018/19
Aims and Objectives Outline the essay options for this year Overview the marking criteria Formatting guidance Outline key points relating to each question Q&A to answer any remaining questions
Essay Questions Students are required to select one question from the list of three below: Q1. Is there a business case for diversity? Support your answer with reference to the literature. Q2. Given that interviews are not the most reliable selection technique (Cooper, Robertson & Tinline 2003 and Shackleton & Newell 1991), why are they so popular? Q3. How important is national culture in IHRM? Answers should be 1,500 words. You have a +/- 10% margin. References are not included in the word count. Submission via Blackboard on 7th May
Marking Criteria Subject Knowledge – 20% Critical Evaluation – 30% Ability to Construct an Argument and Relevance of Content – 25% Use of Literature and Other Sources – 10% Writing Quality – 15%
Subject Knowledge Clear understanding of the theoretically context of the topic Evidence of reading the recommended reading and ability to find further credible sources Ability to discuss the significance and validity of theory and key ideas Understanding of contingency factors (size, age, culture, employees, industry etc.)
Critical Evaluation Opinions are presented and defended The validity and reliability of ideas is discussed Links between theory, research and relevant examples are present A clear attempt not just to describe key points but to critically evaluate them by comparing and contrasting different literature
Ability to Construct an Argument and Relevance of Content Need a thorough and rigorous argument All ideas and arguments need to be discussed and critiqued in detail Show originality of thought All material is relevant and from credible academic sources Evidence of independent research into the literature and topic
Use of Literature and Other Sources Appropriate use of external sources Focus on academic journal articles Evidence of independent research (citing beyond the slides and reading list) Conforming precisely to UWE Harvard referencing style Avoiding direct quotes and paraphrasing to evidence understanding Avoidance of web-based and media sources
Writing Quality Exclusive use of academic vocabulary (no use of first person, formal language etc.) No spelling or grammatical errors Professional presentation Clear and logical structure to the essay Includes introduction and conclusion Use of literature to support arguments Signposting of key areas
Professional Presentation Need to write the chosen question, student number and word count at the start of the essay Formal cover page is not needed Main body: Size 11 or 12 text Times Roman, Aria or Calibri font 1.5 line spacing Alignment: justified Text Colour: Black Subtitles are not needed in an essay of this length. If used the essay must still flow well
Answering the Question Define key terms Outline the structure of the essay Split your answer into sensible sections ( “for and against”, set of dimensions or different stages of process etc.) For each section provide definitions of the key areas, present your argument and critique to discuss the validity/reliability Support all ideas, points and arguments with reference to the literature Ensure citations are from a wide variety of sources End with a strong conclusion that brings together the main points
Support Q&A now Drop-In during next week’s tutorial In place of next week’s lecture there will be another drop in (details to follow) *Must ask any questions and seek any guidance before teaching finishes at the end of term even though the hand-in is next term*