INTENSIVE READING 2018-2019 GRADING POLICY CLASS MATERIALS Mrs. J Martinez Room 219 GRADING POLICY Classwork- 40% Tests- 30% Quizzes- 20% Home Learning & Participation- 10% Grades will be available on Parent/Student Portal CLASS MATERIALS School supplied laptop Compatible headset with built-in mic (Must be purchased from the school. Course fee of $15) COURSE DESCRIPTION In order to enhance student reading skills we will be focusing on elements of literature, reading strategies, building comprehension, and vocabulary in this course. RULES & EXPECTATIONS Responsibilities Students will maintain a respectful and positive attitude toward the teacher and classmates Be on time! Class time is limited and every minute is utilized. Tardiness affects ALL students. Absences It is the student’s responsibility to request and make up missed work. You have ONE class session to make up any missed assignment for each day you are absent. Cell Phones Cell phones are NOT to be used during class time. Phones used during class time will be confiscated and can be picked up from the main office. Penalties 1st time: verbal warning 2nd time: possible parent contact 3rd time: detention 4th time: Saturday detention 5th time: Administrative referral CURRICULUM In this course we use iLit; a virtual computer-based program. Comprehensive reading solutions to accelerate reading growth in students in 6th through 8th grade. Used for intervention, supplemental instruction, and English language development. iLit combines high-interest, standards-aligned digital and print-learning experiences that inspire literacy. I have read and understand the rules and expectations for Intensive reading. I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to contact the teacher if I have any questions or concerns. I know that this syllabus, all iLit assignments, and other resources are available to me online at any time. I understand and agree with all rules and above mentioned procedures. PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN. Student Name: ______________________________ Student signature: __________________________