Welcome! Please will you: Take a card and make a long name plate On both sides, in big letters with flip chart pen: Write the name you would like to be called Logo/name of your firm Name or symbol of your country Write your name on the handbook Sign in on form
Give a powerful presentation: Pippa’s five steps to confidence by Pippa Blakemore, BSc, PGCE The PEP Partnership LLP Washington Thursday 22 September 2016 This is a presentation to be given to IBA © the PEP Partnership LLP
Welcome! Please will you: Take a card and make a long name plate On both sides, in big letters with flip chart pen: Write the name you would like to be called Logo/name of your firm Name or symbol of your country Write your name on the handbook Sign in on form
About Pippa Blakemore Advise law firms on how to win keep grow clients Work: Consultancy; project; interim; training lawyers all over the world
My name is Pippa Blakemore:
Overall objectives today: Win more work Increase number of clients Raise your profile Increase your skills Grow your confidence
To give a small presentation To have received feedback on it Today’s objectives To give a small presentation To have received feedback on it
Principles apply to: Legal talks General talks Individual presentations Small meetings Formal and informal meetings Internal talks Beauty parades Dog and pony shows Pitch presentations
Five Steps to Confidence Pippa’s Five Steps to Confidence
P-R-I-C-E P Plan, Prepare, Practise R Research, Relate, Revise I Implement, Initiate, Individualise C Complete, Control, Comfortably E Evaluate Effort of Enterprise
3 minute presentation on: Practical 3 minute presentation on: Your firm
Give a Powerful Presentation Plan the presentation Prepare questions and answers to you Give your presentation Answer questions Feedback
Plan the Approach Wrong initial question? Research audience K.I.S.S. approach Interest catcher, links, conclusions So what? Who cares? WIIFM? Keep to time – hidden meanings Examples – make it relevant
Research Football
The work for that department is worrying me People only hear 30%... I wish I hadn’t had that argument The work for that department is worrying me 30% I am tired What to eat for dinner? I need to finish that draft... I need to telephone...
Meet needs of the audience according to... Track record? Department? Seniority? Role? Interest? Responsibilities? Level of experience? Depth of knowledge? If in doubt, ask questions
Washington to your country
Washington to your country Run Plane Helicopter Hot air balloon Submarine Walk Horse Swim Train Ship Yacht Car Camel Motorbike Balloon Cycle Hop Skip
Washington to your country Car Walk Ship Motorbike Run Motorised Yacht Pedestrian Above Road Hop Direct Below Sea Overland Submarine Train Air Jet Balloon Jumbo
Washington to your country Ship Helicopter Yacht Car Train Most expensive Moderately expensive Motorbike Submarine Least expensive Jumbo Jet Run Walk
Additional objectives or priorities for other people Outcome Cultural understanding Profile raising Is it realistic? Fitness Speed Risks Safety Environmentally friendly Implementation Cost Comfort Unintended consequences Time
Create your mindmap for a 3 minute presentation on: Your firm Use page 4
Prepare Yourself Nerves, projection, body language Language differences, interpreters, translators Talk in the language your audience uses Practising Visual aids
Mind map to notes Over to you … Page 5
Preparing for Questions and Answers Plan what you might be asked Analyse questions and questioners Practise answers Think about and prepare answers Pitches and Beauty Parades
Preparing for Questions “Nice” “Nasty” “Scenario” – “What would happen if...” “Comparative” Questions to ask client/audience Answer like a mini-presentation Page 6
Practical - Presentation and Questions and Answers Divide into groups of 3 people. All at same time. 3 minutes: Each person in the group of 3 gives a 3 minute presentation to others At start speaker describes who audience is Speaker gives creative title of the talk Other two people pretend to be audience Each member of audience thinks of a question to ask Time - keeper to keep to 3 minutes and Q and A time 1.5 minutes: of questions and answers 1.5 minutes: Audience writes positively on Feedback Sheet – last 4 sheets. Speaker writes Feedback Sheet for them self Give feedback sheet to each speaker
Ten top tips for tenders and pitches Page 7
P-R-I-C-E P Plan, Prepare, Practise R Research, Relate, Revise I Implement, Initiate, Individualise C Complete, Control, Comfortably E Evaluate Effort of Enterprise
Last page of your handout Feedback for me please Last page of your handout Please complete and bring them to the front for me on the stage
Please do contact Pippa with any questions on: Email: pippa.blakemore@pep-partnership.co.uk Tel: +44 (0) 1189 310688 Mob: +44 (0) 780 301 6238 www.pep-partnership.co.uk
Copyright 2016 by The PEP Partnership LLP All rights reserved. No part of the PEP Partnership LLP notes may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from The PEP Partnership LLP