5 Star Occupations CDA #16 Name
What is a 5-Star Career? Has a higher median wage Has a high employment outlook—there are a lot of openings each year and the number of openings is increasing each year
Make a list of careers you think might be 5-Star Careers. As we go through the lists with the class, check the boxes of any careers that match what other groups put.
Why are 5 Star Careers Important? When choosing an occupation, it’s a good idea to look at the pluses and the minuses of that career. 5-Star careers are the surest way to a reliable, stable occupation. However, that does not mean that they are the only “good jobs.” Pick a career that works for you and your interests. All careers have pros and cons—go into that career knowing what your challenges may be! Don’t just believe what you see on TV. Talk to someone who has that job, if you can, or do online research before you decide. The reality may be quite different from what you think!
What is STEM? S T E M Learn More Learn More Learn More Learn More
Look over this list of STEm careers and check the box if it interests you. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Look over this list of STEm careers and check the box if it interests you. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Look over this list of STEm careers and check the box if it interests you. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Conventional Realistic Enterprising Investigative Social Artistic
Enterprising Choose Again Next Activity
Investigative Choose Again Next Activity
Realistic Choose Again Next Activity
Artistic Choose Again Next Activity
Social Choose Again Next Activity
Conventional Choose Again Next Activity
How many years for each degree? Masters Bachelors Certification Doctorate Associates 6 Check Answers 4 1 8 2
Science Science workers study the physical and natural world through observation and experimentation. Science workers can also inform public policy, such as by providing data to support limits on the use of toxic chemicals. The work of scientists often involves research, writing proposals and academic papers, and presenting findings. Science technicians collect samples, conduct experiments, and do other tasks to assist scientists in those efforts. If you HAD TO CHOOSE one of the areas in the colored text box to study, what would it be? Space Sciences Earth Sciences Life Sciences Chemistry Physics Genetics Ecology Neuroscience Pathology Nutrition Back to Stem
Technology Technology workers use science and engineering to create and troubleshoot computer and information systems. For example, some tech workers develop software applications and build and maintain computer networks and databases. Technology work connects people, making all forms of communication—including business transactions, video sharing, and mobile browsing—faster and less expensive. The work often involves designing, testing, maintaining, and improving computer software, hardware, systems, and networks. If you HAD TO CHOOSE one of the areas in the colored text box to study, what would it be? Computer Science Information Science Operating Systems Artificial Intelligence Programming Cryptography Mobile Computing Back to Stem
Engineering Engineers and engineering technicians use math, science, and technology to solve real-world problems. The work often involves developing systems, structures, products, or materials. For example, a civil engineer might design a new train station to accommodate more passengers, and an environmental engineering technician might help create an environmental remediation device. If you HAD TO CHOOSE one of the areas in the colored text box to study, what would it be? Aerospace Petroleum Textiles Civil Mechanical Industrial Electrical Etc. Back to Stem
Mathematics Math workers use numerical, spatial, and logical relationships to study and solve problems. For example, an operations research analyst helps organizations identify practices that improve efficiency, and a mathematical technician applies standard formulas to technological problems in engineering and physical sciences. Mathematics is the technical foundation for science, engineering, and technology. The work often involves finding patterns in data or abstract logic. These patterns can be used to draw general conclusions about data, to test mathematical relationships, and to model the real world. If you HAD TO CHOOSE one of the areas in the colored text box to study, what would it be? Algebra Statistics Calculous Game Theory Geometry Next Activity