Starter for 5! Give three qualities of God that the evil and suffering in the world call into question. How does the First Cause argument try to prove.


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Presentation transcript:

Starter for 5! Give three qualities of God that the evil and suffering in the world call into question. How does the First Cause argument try to prove the existence of God? What can the Christian creation story tell us about God? Name two of the 99 Beautiful Names of Allah. Give two examples of general revelation.

Starter for 5! Give three qualities of God that the evil and suffering in the world call into question. All-powerful (omnipotent), All-loving (omnibenevolent) and All-knowing (omniscient) How does the First Cause argument try to prove the existence of God? Aquinas tries to use logic/intelligence to prove the existence of God by claiming everything must have a starting point which is God. What can the Christian creation story tell us about God? God is all-powerful because he just has to speak and it happened, God was pleased with his creation (‘God saw what he had made and saw that it was good’), God chose to make humans last to show they are special. Name two of the 99 Beautiful Names of Allah. All-compassionate, All-merciful Give two examples of general revelation. Nature and People

How would you describe the people in these pictures?

Are Some People Born Evil? How did they get from baby to adult?

Evil Learning Objective: What is evil? I can define the two different types of evil. I can give examples of the different types of evil. I can evaluate which type of evil is worse.

What is Evil? Keyword: Evil The opposite of good. A force or negative power that is seen in many traditions as destructive and against God.

Now put these images into two categories...

Natural and Moral Evil Natural Evil - the harm or damage that is done to people and creation as a result of the forces of nature and the structure of the Earth. Moral Evil - the harm that results from a bad choice made by humans misusing their free will.

Natural and Moral Evil This is a marked piece so needs to be completed thoroughly. Discuss with students how to write a 3 mark AO1 explain answer. Encourage them to use connectives to develop their points, e.g. in addition, furthermore, therefore, for example…

Natural and Moral Evil Students can use this mark scheme to peer assess if there is time.

Write down your speech on your Reflection Sheet. Which is Worse? Decide whether you think natural OR moral evil is worse. You then have to write down your most convincing reasons and be ready to persuade the class. Write down your speech on your Reflection Sheet. Discuss as a class – you could do a continuum or vote with your feet if you have time.