Geography Terms – Q4
Seacoast land lying next to a sea or ocean
basin a hollow or depression in the earth's surface, wholly or partly surrounded by higher land (some contain water)
cape a point of land that extends out into water
mesa raised area with steep sides and a large, flat top
BUTTE an isolated hill with sloping sides and a small flat top
BLUFF a small rounded cliff that usually overlooks a body of water
FOOTHILLS a hilly region at the base of a mountain
tributary a stream or river that empties into a larger river
slope side of a hill or mountain
SWAMP area of low wetland with trees
FJORD a long, deep, narrow body of water that is bordered by steep cliffs
TUNDRA a treeless plain especially of arctic regions having a permanently frozen layer below the surface soil and plant life
geyser a natural pool of hot water that sometimes erupts, sending steam and hot water gushing into the air
GRASSLAND a large open area of country covered with grass, especially one used for grazing
SUMMIT the highest point on a mountain