Using the Tools to support Integrated Working No Wrong Door Conference 23rd October 2012 Introductions, who we are? what our team is? Group to introduce themselves and their experience of integrated working?
Tools: Pyramid of Need Plans and Assessments Common Assessment Form Link Workers Children’s Front door Route maps Multi Agency Working Own knowledge and professional skills On Line Guidance – Relationships with other services Threshold Guidance Legislation and Guidance eg - Information Sharing Guidance Line Managers - Supervision Team Around the Child and Family meeting Single Service Assessments Discuss the tools, what are they? How do we use them? And why? Look at the case studies on your tables, and identify which Integrated Working Tools you would use to help support the family and why you think they would be useful. Next activity Feedback
Outcomes Increased understanding of the tools available to you as a practitioner. Increased knowledge and understanding of how to use the tools available to you. Increased confidence in using the Integrated Working Tools available to you.
Common Assessment In groups, using the example of a partially completed assessment and your own multi agency knowledge, complete the analysis and action plan for the family. Think about: What universal services are/could be involved? What are the strengths which could be supported? What support is already in place and could be utilised? What gaps are there which other services could pick up? What are the ages of the children? Think about community and voluntary sector services? What support does mum want? What can mum do to support herself? One tool is the Common Assessment, this is a good Tool to gather information and look at a support plan for the family. Exercise: in groups look at the assessment that has been completed by school, write the analysis and plan. What integrated working tools could you use? Feedback
Outcomes Increased understanding of the importance of a detailed analysis. Increased understanding of the importance of a specific action plan. Increased confidence in completing an accurate analysis and action plan and using the Integrated Working Tools available to you.
Where to get further information and support Children’s Advice Team: 01904 551900